SQL Failover Cluster WMI

  • I got Failed Error when i am going to install SQL Server Failover Cluster sql 2008 r2. Please have a look on print shot ... i need help to solv that problem in details. This is first time i am attemp to install cluster .... thanks in advanced. The WMI Service is not running on the sql 2008 r2 cluster node.

    The WMI Service is not running on the cluster node.

  • First thing to do is to check the details of the error 😉

    Otherwise WMI is quite sensitive to security policies so ask you AD/server team for any policies they push when installing a server.

    Also you can execute wbemtest to check for WMI policies but that's pretty advanced stuff...

  • rooierus (3/16/2012)

    First thing to do is to check the details of the error 😉

    Otherwise WMI is quite sensitive to security policies so ask you AD/server team for any policies they push when installing a server.

    Also you can execute wbemtest to check for WMI policies but that's pretty advanced stuff...

    Thanks Rooiesru, How to solve that problem. Do you mean authentication problem or ? i login as cluster admin. First time to attemp and rock due to that reason i am facing such issue.

  • We might be able to help you better if you provide the error details ?

  • M.Kahn (3/16/2012)

    I got Failed Error when i am going to install SQL Server Failover Cluster sql 2008 r2. Please have a look on print shot ... i need help to solv that problem in details. This is first time i am attemp to install cluster .... thanks in advanced. The WMI Service is not running on the sql 2008 r2 cluster node.

    The WMI Service is not running on the cluster node.

    You have 2 failures there, please provide details of both for us to help you


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • First steps, check to see if the service is running or not.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Perry Whittle (3/16/2012)

    M.Kahn (3/16/2012)

    I got Failed Error when i am going to install SQL Server Failover Cluster sql 2008 r2. Please have a look on print shot ... i need help to solv that problem in details. This is first time i am attemp to install cluster .... thanks in advanced. The WMI Service is not running on the sql 2008 r2 cluster node.

    The WMI Service is not running on the cluster node.

    You have 2 failures there, please provide details of both for us to help you

    Frist to Thanks all - SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup configuration checks

    Here we Perry!!

    I dubbel check WMI Server are running in both node1 and node 2.

    Error: The WMI service is not running on the cluster node - Cluster_IsWMIServiceOperational.

    Have a look on attach file .. now i got new error. looking forward for your answer, let me know if you have any further question.

  • There's a few issues there really. The first error complains about bluster disk 4 failing. The second complains about the Dns registration for the network name.

    Check the TCP\IP settings on each node. Make a manual check of the shared storage and ensure it fails over between nodes successfully.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • About the DNS issue,

    How is your network configured ? Do you use fixed IP's for your nodes or do they get one from DHCP ? If fixed, you might have forgotten to fill in a DNS server.

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