Sql errors automaticaly rollback transactions?

  • Hey guys, I have a question regarding sql server transactions, specificly for the objects that execute scripts suchs as stored procedures or triggers, when I create a sp that modifies data is it recomendable to set a begin transaction and commit transaction (asuming it is called from a client application that opens a connection first in .Net)? if so is it necessary to add a @@Error validation to make a rollback or commit? I wonder this beacause usually when there's an error (like PK violation for example) SQL automaticaly does a rollback (or does this deppends on the connection string).

    Can someone tell me?


  • Using @@Error will be good practice because the database objects wont rollback if there is an error in the script, That time either we neeed to check from sysobjects or information_schema to drop the existing one.

    So better if we use inside atrasaction with @@error clause so that the complete operation will be rolled back

  • Not all errors roll the transaction back. You should use begin transaction and rollback/commit if it needs to be an atomic operation (all succeeds or none succeeds)

    On 2005, Try.. catch is preferred over @@error. It's easier to use.

    If you do go with @@Error, it has to be checked after every statement as it contains the error code for the previous statement only.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Got it, thanks guys 🙂

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