SQL Error 53 when trying to delete system maintenance plan

  • Hello,

    a maintenance plan was created prior to renaming the server on which SQL2k5 was installed. When I attempt to delete the maintenance plan now I get an Microsoft SQL server error 53. I guess it has to do with the fact that the server name has been changed after sql2k5 was installed and the maintenance plan created.

    It is possible to remove entries from the system tables and if so how?


  • Robert,

    Your msdb database holds the jobs.

    You will not be able to right-click and open table on the system table you will need to do the delete from query window

    Do a select on the following tables





    Locate the job ID and delete from these tables...

    Also review for the job ID on those and remove






  • Forgive me for speaking about SQL 2000 in this forum but that's what were running here. When we would replace servers, there is a table in msdb called sysjobs. By updating the originating_server field on this table to the NEW server name, we were good to go. Anything comparable in SQL 2005?

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • In SQL 2005 in msdb.dbo.sysjobs that field is no longer there.

    It is replaced by the originating_server_id which is an INT datatype.

    Haven't need to delve into this much but my values are 0 which probably indicates 'LOCAL'

  • Hello jsheldon,

    thanks for your helpful hints regarding removing the defunct system maintenance plan. Questions lead to discovery! There are zero rows in the following tables




    dbo.sysdbmaintplans has 1 row. This row has a field called plan_id.

    I can remove the job_id in the following tables




    except there is a referential integrity constraint issue with the dbo.sysjobs table when I try to remove the row with job_id for the old system maintenance plan.

    "The delete statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_subplan_job_id". the conflict occurred in database "msdb", table, "dbo.sysmaintplan_subplans", column, 'job_id'

    So job_id in sysjobs has a foreign key in sysmainplan_subplans. I can't delete the row in sysjobs without creating orphan rows elsewhere.

    I'll sniff around and see if I can work back deleting records in the right order. Anyway if you have anymore time to play around with this good - otherwise thanks for your helpful reply.



  • Rob,

    Try this script to find all columns of job_id within the msdb database. If this script doesn't work I have two more search scripts:

    /* This command using the undocumented sp_MSforeachdb stored procedure searches all database objects

    for the given name provided */

    USE master


    EXECUTE sp_MSforeachdb @command1 =

    'SELECT ''?'' AS db,

    o.name AS object,

    c.name AS col,


    FROM ?..sysobjects o, ?..syscolumns c

    WHERE c.name LIKE ''vendor_id%''

    and o.id = c.id'


  • To solve your problem, to delete Maintenance Plans on SQL2005, you will have to connect to Integration Service and delete them in Integration Service. That's why you won't find them on the tables that you were listed. 😀

    You may already find the solution, but I didn't see the right answer here.

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