SQL EM Lost my Server List

  • Last week I opened up SQL EM on my client machine and noticed all of my registered servers were missing.  They are still in the Registry but EM does not seem to know about them.  This also happened to a colleague of mine a few weeks ago and at the time we had no idea why so he just re-registered them.

    I found this from microsoft  http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;323280 doing an internet search and it looked like exactly what I was looking for.  Especially since I had changed an Active Directory Password and this automatically changed my local Novell Password since the last time I used EM. 

    I added the Registry Key that this Support fix suggests but the servers still do not show up in EM.  I even rebooted and still nothing.  I really do not want to have to re-register all of these servers especially since I can see them in the registry.

    Does anyone know of any other way to get these servers to show back up in EM?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • I don't have a solution but the same thing happens to me.  We have Service Pack 3a on all our servers (SQL Server 2000 & W2K) and it's still a problem.  I just re-register all my servers.  It's a pain in the neck, but what else am I going to do?


  • Have you applied the SQL service pack to you client tools install (local to your machine, not server)?

  • Sorry to tag on to your note, but where is the Ent Mgr Reg list in the registry...thanks

  • Something similar happened to me a while ago but with databases rather than servers.  In that case I was using SQL 2000 EM to take SQL 7 databases offline.  Somehow, SQL server managed to put a data value that was bigger than could be supported by the data type in the sysdatabases table.  I recall that it was cmptlevel, which is a tinyint; selecting * from sysdatabases it returned an error at the row that had the doggy data value.  Changed this value and all the databases reappeared in EM.  It may be that there is something similar going on with your disappearing servers.


  • Check the following:



    MMC V2.0 tends to loose SQL Server registrations when a network password is changed.

    The SQL 7.0 msc is a V1 type so I have created a V2 version which helped.

    I have also implemented the recommendations in http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;323280 but have not yet had to change my password again.

  • Thanks for all of your responses. 

    Simonletts_1962,  The registered servers are stored in the Registry.  Mine are in HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Client\SQLEW\Registered Servers X


    I am pretty certain that SP3 had been applied to my client prior to this problem, but I did go back and apply it again just to be sure. 

    Does anyone know if the Hotfix registry hack that I linked and dchilton mentioned only works to correct future occurrences of this problem?

    Also I am not sure I completely follow your V1 vs V2 type comments during your last post.  Does this have to do with creating a new console like this link mentions?  http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;310422



  • This treats the symptom:

    In Enterprise Manager, click on Tools, Options and make sure "Server Registration Information" has "Read/Store Locally" selected. 


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