SQL-DMO running dbcc checkcatalog

  • Hello,

    First post written, but definitely not the first one read!

    Some mornings, I am seeing in the Activity Monitor several SQLDMO_nn applications running. There is one running per database, ran by user NT Authority/SYSTEM and host as the machine on which this is running (production).

    When I check them, sometimes they are running backups, other times its dbcc checkcatalog. When I look at the Job Activity Monitor, there is nothing running that would have anything to do with this.

    What I'd like to know is where these are coming from. Could these be from a maintenance plan that was kicked off earlier? They are not always there, but like I said when they are it means bad performance.

    Thank You,



  • I've looked around and haven't found any references to SQLDMO, but it happens in both our SQL Server 2000 and 2005 databases.


  • Run profiler and try to track it from there.


  • Running profiler really hasn't shown me anything. It just shows that its the SQL Agent running it from the server itself.


  • Under which account is your sql agent running right now?


  • Its a network account.


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