SQL DMO Error Message

  • Hello

    I'm developing a basic app to allow our users to manage MSDE

    Having built a distribution set and installed it I can connect just fine, but when I try to call the backup/Resore Wizard I get the following error:-

    The Module Loader thread is still loading the files necessary to run sql server enterprise manager:Please try again

    On my dev pc I don't have a problem.

    I guess it's some sort of time out - suggestions appreciated.



  • Could you post your code?


  • Code as Requested

    ' SQL DMO Variables

    Private oSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer

    Private oFormsDB As SQLDMO.Database

    Private oFormsTable As SQLDMO.Table

    ' SQL Namespace Variables

    Private oSQLNameSpaceObject As SQLNamespaceObject

    Private oSQLNameSpace As SQLNamespace

    Private NameSpaceArray(10) As Long

    'Calls various routines from CmdButtons

    Case UserProperties

    oSQLNameSpaceObject.Commands("Manage SQL Server Security").Execute

    Case DbProperties


    Case Backup

    oSQLNameSpaceObject.Commands("Backup Database").Execute

    Case Restore

    oSQLNameSpaceObject.Commands("Restore Database").Execute

    All works fine on Development Pc (Vb6 Sp5, Sql 2000 sp1, Win2000)

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