SQL date comparison

  • Hi,

    The date I have in the table is:

    2015-01-08 20:41:54.000

    when I write a query to compare the date in WHERE stmt to a specific date without time portion in there

    Select invoiceDate from table1

    where InvoiceDate = '1/8/2015'


    Select invoiceDate from table1

    where InvoiceDate like '1/8/2015%'

    When I do this, it doesn't return anything. Please advise.



  • I believe what's happening there is that the date of 1/8/2015 that you're searching for is being expanded; therefore, the actual value the query is searching for is 1/8/2015 00:00:00.000.

    To catch everything that happened on 1/8/2015, try this:

    WHERE InvoiceDate >= '1/8/2015' AND InvoiceDate < '1/9/2015'

    This will do a search from 1/8/2015 00:00:00.000 to 1/8/2015 23:59:59.997, if you're using the DATETIME datatype for InvoiceDate; using DATETIME2 will make the search even more accurate, if desired.

    In any case, that will fetch everything from the 8th; typically, you'll be needing to search between a range to get everything related to a specific date.

    - 😀

  • Thank you. It works.


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