SQL database backups and recovery using Legato

  • Hi ,

    Did any body had a way to restore sql cluster database from Legato, If so please let me know details.




  • What mode are using within the cluster?  Active/Active nodes or Active/Passive?



  • two node cluster with Active/Passive mode.



  • What are you lokking to restore?  Just a single database or one of the system DB's?

    If it is just regular database, assuming you have the correct BSM for SQL Server installed, you can perform the restore on the active node with no issues.  Just make sure all active sessions are disconnected and start the restore using the Networker User for SQL Server session.



  • We use Legato Co-StandbyServer in active/passive SQL Cluster environment. Legato works in a low-level "hidden" mode mirroring disk drives and SQL configuration changes. We treat the "Active" node like a stand-alone SQL Server. Our process for simple database restores:

    1. Uncheck "Automatic Failover" box in properties of "Active" node.

    2. Deactivate "Passive" node.

    3. Restore database.

    4. Reactive "Passive" node.

    5. Check "Automatic Failover" box in properties of "Active" node.

    Basically, database restores impact the data (.MDF and .LDF) files stored on disks within our cluster. The disk mirroring of the cluster handles the impact of a restore. The only thing we are carefull to avoid is the cluster "failing over" in the middle of a restore - ouch! To avoid "cluster" problems during the restore: steps 1, 2, 4, & 5 are preventative measures; step 3 is the actual restore. Technically, step 3 is the only "required" step (if you believe everything you read - we don't).

    Sorry for the length, hope this is helpful.


  • Thanks of info David, its nice you replied with patience. Do you restore any time through scripts from Legato i.e,. for multi database restore. If so, please send me the scripts which can help ful for me.



  • Don't have to restore often enough to require "scripting" it out. Sorry.

  • Hi ,

    While restoring from Legato tapes onto the cluster database instance is saying "Waiting for SQL server startup to complete". Can you please let me know what that mean. Is i am missing anything.





  • Sorry for the delay.

    I take it you had to restart the server? The way our system is set up, SQL Server does not start automatically on Windows Startup. The logical drives for SQL Server are managed by the Legato cluster, so Legato has to have them up and running BEFORE SQL is allowed to start. Legato then has .CMD scripts to start up services (including SQL Server) which run as old-fashion MS-DOS .BAT files.

    These "scripts" may not have ran yet, are waiting for input from you, or are waiting for you to "acknowledge" them by closing the DOS window.

    Hope this helps.

  • I've seen this error before.  It mean you are running the wrong version of the BSM for the version of the SQL server.  Check Legato's web site for the correct version / patch level.



  • Hi ,

    We are running latest version BSM. AS davidf said i didn't find any script as such in legato. Can you please explore more which can help in this.



  • What patch level has been applied to SQL Server?

  • SP3




  • Try this...  This what we have done in the past to fix this issue.

    1. Uninstall NMSQL V3.1 using NMSQL V3.1

    2. Install NMSQL V3.0.1.

  • Just to give an update which i forgot to mention. Before trying restore in the same server, we did done in different server using NWMSQL 3.1 with the option COPY, it did worked fine. Is there any steps i need to take if i need to restore on the same server using the same option while SQL server is running.

    Please advise.




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