SQL Database Administration using PERL

  • Thanks for this. Is there a great difference when someone is familiar with PHP?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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  • The two are very similar. I have found learning PHP easier because I know Perl. I'm sure the reverse is also true.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian, one feature that we've wondered about:  Remote execution for PERL scripts.  Let's assume that the PERL runtime is kept on all of my database servers, but I want to centrally maintain a single copy of my PERL programs.  If we're using SSH to connect our SQL db servers, can we source programs from the centrally maintained library?  I'm not sure if the question here is more relevant to capabilities within SSH or features within PERL.

  • Yes, we do. For instance, Perl program is located on a server called Repository with a share called PerlScripts$. Perl typically installs to c:\perl meaning perl.exe is typically in c:\perl\bin. So a command line call to execute BackupServer.pl...

    c:\perl\bin\perl.exe \\Repository\PerlScripts$\BackupServer.pl

    It works just like you think. If you have parameters, slap them on after the .pl.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I'm using VBScript (WSH), but at my new job there are a lot Perl people so I'm warming up to look into Perl to be able to understand what they say (script).

    About text patterns I'm using the Regular Expressions of WSH, and found them quite usefull. i.e. to get the latest error code in a DTS log file.

    /Niels Grove-Rasmussen

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