SQl data comaprison

  • I have 3 tables

    •Ter_Ter_Alignment: Has 4 columns

    Source SegmentSource TerritoryTarget SegmentTarget Territory

    S1 T1 S3 T3

    S2 T2 S4 T4

    S3 T3 S2 S2

    S4 T4 S1 T1

    •Territory: Has 3 columns

    Terr_ID (PK)Segment Territory

    TID1 S1 T1

    TID2 S2 T2

    TID3 S3 T3

    TID4 S4 T4

    The data from Ter_Ter_Alignment table has to get loaded into a table called Territory_Assoc. However the target table doesn’t store 4 columns from the source, instead it maps the source segment/ter and target seg/ter with terr_id column generated in Territory table and stores the terr_id of source seg/terr into From Terr ID column and Target seg/ter into To Terr ID column.

    •Territory_Assoc: Has 3 columns

    Terr_Assoc_ID (PK)From Terr IDTo Terr ID

    1 TID1 TID3

    2 TID2 TID4

    3 TID3 TID2

    4 TID4 TID1

    Now how do I compare the data between Ter_Ter_Alignment and Territory_Assoc??

    pleeeeeeeeeaaaaseee help :w00t:

  • create table #TER_TER_ALIGNMENT


    SourceSegment varchar(2),

    SourceTerritory varchar(2),

    TargetSegment varchar(2),

    TargetTerritory varchar(2)


    create table #Territory


    Terr_ID varchar(5),

    Segment varchar(2),

    Territory varchar(2)


    create table #Territory_Assoc


    Terr_Assoc_ID int identity(1,1),

    FromTerrID varchar(5),

    ToTerrID varchar(5)


    insert into #TER_TER_ALIGNMENT

    select 'S1','T1','S3','T3'

    union all

    select 'S2','T2','S4','T4'

    union all

    select 'S3','T3','S2','T2'

    union all

    select 'S4','T4','S1','T1'

    insert into #Territory

    select 'TID1','S1','T1'

    union all

    select 'TID2','S2','T2'

    union all

    select 'TID3','S3','T3'

    union all

    select 'TID4','S4','T4'

    insert into #Territory_Assoc (FromTerrID,ToTerrID)

    select (case when (a.SourceSegment+a.SourceTerritory) = (b.Segment+b.Territory) then b.Terr_ID else '' end),

    (case when (a.TargetSegment+a.TargetTerritory) = (c.Segment+c.Territory) then c.Terr_ID else '' end)

    from #TER_TER_ALIGNMENT a , #Territory b, #Territory c

    where (a.SourceSegment+a.SourceTerritory) = (b.Segment+b.Territory) and

    (a.TargetSegment+a.TargetTerritory) = (c.Segment+c.Territory)

    select * from #Territory_Assoc

  • Thanks a lot Arun,

    But i just got an info that the data enterted into Ter_Ter_Alignment need not have data in both source segment and source territory or target segment and target territory. i,e data could just be like

    Source SegmentSource TerritoryTarget SegmentTarget Territory





    That is data can be provided for either source seg/ter and target seg/ter. please help me on this

  • select (case when ((a.SourceSegment= b.Segment)or(a.SourceTerritory= b.Territory)) then b.Terr_ID else '' end),

    (case when ((a.TargetSegment = c.Segment) or (a.TargetTerritory = c.Territory)) then c.Terr_ID else '' end)

    from #TER_TER_ALIGNMENT a , #Territory b, #Territory c

    where ((a.SourceSegment= b.Segment)or(a.SourceTerritory= b.Territory)) and

    ((a.TargetSegment = c.Segment) or (a.TargetTerritory = c.Territory))

  • wow i just came up with the same code as urs!!! 😀

    Thankfully i cud do something rite finally :hehe: thanks a ton!!!

  • Hi for the code given,

    select (case when ((a.SourceSegment= b.Segment)or(a.SourceTerritory= b.Territory)) then b.Terr_ID else '' end),

    (case when ((a.TargetSegment = c.Segment) or (a.TargetTerritory = c.Territory)) then c.Terr_ID else '' end)

    from #TER_TER_ALIGNMENT a , #Territory b, #Territory c

    where ((a.SourceSegment= b.Segment)or(a.SourceTerritory= b.Territory)) and

    ((a.TargetSegment = c.Segment) or (a.TargetTerritory = c.Territory))

    suppose user enters all the 4 i.e a.SourceSegment,a.SourceTerritory, a.TargetSegment,a.TargetTerritory and it so happens that the combination a.SourceSegment,a.SourceTerritory does not exist in the master table Territory, still this record will be accepted since we have an "OR" condition. The above code works fine when user enters either source seg or source terr and same case for targets. How do i check if the user enters the correct combination too??

  • Hi,

    This check may provide in various method, use the trigger in the Master table (#Territory ) to validate the combination are exists during add the record, and in the procedure also we can provide the validate by the parameter checking.

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