SQL course

  • Hey Am looking to do a course in SQL 2000 on Stored procedures and DTS i have alread done a course in SQL Basic my job involves allot of work with Stored procedures and DTS and schedule jobs..... does anyone know a college in dublin that would cove Stored procedures and DTS as a 1,-3 day course in dublin, Ireland


  • Can't comment on courses, but I can recommend a good book (in fact, 2 good books):

    "The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML and HTML" by Ken Henderson

    "The Guru's Guide to Transact SQL " by Ken Henderson

    I have both of these books, and use them regularly. I'm not sure what they cost over there - I got them here ins South Africa for about R700 in total (+- 100 Euro's, I think).

    BTW - I neither know, nor am associated with the author/publisher etc. - I'm just a very happy "customer"...

  • Francis,

    I'm not sure your asking about sql2005 or sql2000, but in either case, These sites are very helpful when it comes to DTS. (2005 is supposed to be MUCH better).



    Sorry I couldn't help you with the colleges.. (I doubt there are any).

  • Microsoft has some good webcasts and free courses on their web site.

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