SQL Code Review Pre Release

  • I will like to know code reviews are typically being done from a database administrator point of view. What I find

    is that there is a limit to what a DBA can do here, in that in some cases without understanding the business logic

    it can be tricky to code review SQL code at times. I will like to know the approach other DBA's take in conducting SQL code reviews and things that thhey look out for.

    Any thoughts ?

  • At a minimum, the DBA can ensure that code is clearly written, with appropriate comments & descriptions and follows company standards. And when revisions are made, a revision # is added to the header text along with developer name, date and description of the change. Also, put the revision # in the body of the code to show where it occurs.

  • Changes to existing code is usually a one-on-one with a dev team peer to make sure it meets coding/company standards and is well documented.

    Reviews for new code is at least one dev team peer and the business analyst/spec writer. Depending on the complexity, we may also extend an invite to QA as well.

    - Nate

  • OK, thanks chaps. I am thinking how about environments where the database design is suspicious, the queries/stored procedures dont look tuned or dont follow best practice.

    Also, I think it would be right if a DBA reviewed the code, as a DBA would see things from a certain perspectice but whilst I agree that peer reviews are good, imagine situations where a friend is reviewing the code of another developer friend.

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