SQL code needed for the WHERE clause..

  • I have a table with data appending on a daily basis. We plan to keep the set of data in this table for one full year and delete everything after August 1st of every year.

    I am stuck with the query logic to do this.  The situations are like this:

    If today's date is August 1st, regardless of the year, delete data from the entire table.  Or else, do nothing and keep appending the data.  The getdate() can be used as well but needs to round down the time to midnight of August the 1st.

    Any suggestions? Thanks.

  • Assuming you delete/append once per day, can you truncate the table if today is the 1st of August? This is set to truncate on the 2nd of July for testing. If the code will run multiple times per day then I would change it to delete where DateTimeColumn < TargetDate.

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.AppendData
    CREATE TABLE dbo.AppendData (Col1 INT, Col2 INT, DateTimeColumn DATETIME)

    DECLARE @Today DATE,
    @TargetDate DATE


    IF @Today = @TargetDate
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.AppendData
    DELETE dbo.AppendData
    WHERE DateTimeColumn < CAST(@TargetDate AS DATETIME)

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.AppendData
  • I wouldn't use DELETE on a year old table.  That'll be a lot to delete and it'll cause a "log file explosion".

    I probably also wouldn't do a whole year at a time but that might just be me.


    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • If you are dealing with large amounts of transactional data you may also want to look at table partitioning or partitioned views.


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