SQL CHAR field question

  • create table #temp

    (product_id int not null,

     prod_desc char(1) null)

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'A'

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'B'

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'C'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'D'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'E'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'F'

    select *

    from #temp

    product_id  prod_desc

    ----------- ---------

    1           A

    1           B

    1           C

    2           D

    2           E

    2           F

    Instead of dispaying as represented above, I need to display this as

    product_id  prod_desc

    ----------- ---------

    1           A, B, C

    2           D, E, F

    How can I achieve this?


  • http://sqljunkies.com/WebLog/amachanic/archive/2004/11/10/5065.aspx?Pending=true

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • set nocount on

    create table #temp

    (product_id int not null,

     prod_desc char(1) null)

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'A'

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'B'

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'C'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'D'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'E'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'F'

    DECLARE @Output VARCHAR(8000) 

    SET @Output = ''

     SELECT @Output = CASE @Output

      WHEN '' THEN prod_desc

      ELSE @Output + ', ' + prod_desc


     FROM #temp

     WHERE Product_id = 1

     ORDER BY product_id

    print @output

    --should this out not be A, B, C

    --however i received an OUTPUT of just A


  • SELECT @Output = @Output + CASE @Output

    WHEN '' THEN prod_desc

    ELSE @Output + ', ' + prod_desc


    FROM #temp

    WHERE Product_id = 1

    ORDER BY product_id

  • still produced A? missing something....

    sql query analyzer version 8.00.194


  • I tried the first script as below - picks only one description - am I missing something?

    CREATE FUNCTION  dbo.concatdesc(@product_id INT)




     DECLARE @Output VARCHAR(8000)

     SET @Output = ''

     SELECT @Output = @Output + CASE @Output

        WHEN '' THEN prod_desc

        ELSE @Output + ', ' + prod_desc


     FROM prod

     WHERE product_id = @product_id

     ORDER BY prod_desc

     RETURN @Output



    SELECT DISTINCT product_id, prod_desc = dbo.Concatdesc(product_id)

    FROM prod

    ORDER BY product_id

    product_id  prod_desc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1                  A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2                  D    


  • I tried the second method suggested - this pulls all the descriptions - however, has it in the reverse order - C,B,A instead of A, B, C - any ideas?

    The following is what I tried.

    CREATE TABLE #DescConcat

    (  product_id INT        NOT NULL ,

       prod_desc VARCHAR(8000)      NULL,



    INSERT #DescConcat (product_id, prod_desc)

    SELECT  product_id, prod_desc

    FROM prod

    ORDER BY product_id, prod_desc

    DECLARE @prod_desc VARCHAR(8000), @product_id INT

    SET @prod_desc = ''

    SET @product_id = ''

    UPDATE #DescConcat

    SET @prod_desc = prod_desc =CASE WHEN @product_id = product_id

                                     THEN prod_desc + ', ' + @prod_desc

        ELSE prod_desc END,

     @product_id = product_id

    SELECT product_id, MAX(prod_desc)

    FROM #DescConcat

    GROUP BY product_id

    product_id  prod_desc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1                C, B, A

    2                F, E, D





  • set nocount on

    create table #temp

    (product_id int not null,

    prod_desc char(1) null)

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'A'

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'B'

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'C'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'D'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'E'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'F'

    DECLARE @Output VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @Output = ''

    SELECT @Output = @Output + prod_desc + ', '

    FROM #temp

    WHERE Product_id = 1

    ORDER BY product_id

    Select left(@Output, len(@Output) -1) as output

    drop table #temp

  • I tried this without the UDF (basically the UDF is the second WHILE is the UDF).  It looks long, but if you made the UDF, it should be relatively short...  


    CREATE TABLE #temp( product_id int NOT NULL,

                                        prod_desc char(1) NULL)

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 1, 'A')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 1, 'B')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 1, 'C')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 2, 'D')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 2, 'E')

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES( 2, 'F')

    DECLARE @Output varchar(8000),

                    @ProductDesc varchar(2000),

                    @ProductID int,

                    @MaxProductID int,

                    @Counter int,

                    @IDCounter int

    SET @Output = ''

    SELECT @ProductID = (SELECT MIN( product_id) FROM #temp)

    SELECT @MaxProductID = (SELECT MAX( product_id) FROM #temp)

    SELECT @ProductDesc =  (SELECT MIN( prod_desc) FROM #temp

                                              WHERE product_id = @ProductID)

    SELECT @Counter = 1

    SELECT @IDCounter = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #temp

                                          WHERE product_id = @ProductID)

    CREATE TABLE #OutPut( ProductID int,

                                           ProductDesc char(50))

    WHILE @ProductID <= @MaxProductID


              WHILE @Counter <= @IDCounter


                        IF LEN( @OutPut) < 1


                                  SELECT @OutPut = @ProductDesc




                                  SELECT @Output = @OutPut + ', ' +  @ProductDesc


                        SELECT @ProductDesc =  (SELECT MIN( prod_desc) FROM #temp

                                                                WHERE product_id = @ProductID

                                                                     AND prod_desc > @ProductDesc)

                        SELECT @Counter = @Counter + 1


              INSERT INTO #OutPut VALUES( @ProductID, @Output)

              SELECT @ProductID = (SELECT MIN( product_id) FROM #temp

                                                   WHERE product_id > @ProductID)

              SELECT @IDCounter = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #temp

                                                    WHERE product_id = @ProductID)

              SELECT @ProductDesc =  (SELECT MIN( prod_desc) FROM #temp

                                                         WHERE product_id = @ProductID)

              SELECT @OutPut = ''

              SELECT @Counter = 1

              SELECT @IDCounter = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #temp

                                                    WHERE product_id = @ProductID)


    SELECT * FROM #OutPut

    DROP TABLE #temp

    DROP TABLE #OutPut

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • thanks remi, did not need to use the case statement. this is a pretty cool tip & trick in the bag


    hi sheba, still use option 1 as referenced by frank (adam udf clocks good performance), but read remi's POST to make it work (remi removed the case statement - adam's udf might have been tested on a different sql server version but still is a notable tip) 

    cheers mate

  • I was able to get option 2 to work. However, what Remi suggested brings only one line of output - Farrell's method works without a glitch. How is the efficiency of this script when compared to option 1.

  • My version is meant to be used as a UDF. It's much easier to use and versatile that way.

  • set nocount on

    create table #temp

    (product_id int not null,

     prod_desc char(1) null)

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'A'

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'B'

    insert into #temp

    select 1, 'C'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'D'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'E'

    insert into #temp

    select 2, 'F'

    CREATE FUNCTION  dbo.concatdesc(@product_id INT)




     DECLARE @Output VARCHAR(8000)

     SET @Output = ''

     SELECT @Output =  @Output + prod_desc + ', '

     FROM prod

     WHERE product_id = @product_id

     ORDER BY prod_desc

     RETURN @Output



    SELECT DISTINCT product_id, prod_desc = left(dbo.Concatdesc(product_id),


    FROM prod

    ORDER BY product_id

    Remi's script incorporated in option 1, worked well. Thanks. I understand using an UDF is efficient - how does this compare to Farrell's method of using a WHILE loop.

  • A WHILE loop will probably take longer, although the function will still have walk through each record to get the output you want. 

    I coded mine specifically so the function-like activity could be seen.  I would recommend staying with Remi's function approach as you will find you will probably need other similar functions to process what you want.  Functions are re-useable is coded well.  My approach is a one time shot for that specific use. 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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