SQL Backend

  • Hi Guys

    I have a database which has very little data stored in it at the moment. In the future, the size of the database will explode when new patient data is imported - it will exceed the 2GB limit imposed in access.

    Ideally, I would like to link some tables up to an SQL server, thus allowing the 2GB limit to be exceeded.

    Does anyone know of any guides which will explain, in step-by-step detail, of how to link certain tables to a backend SQL server?

    Many thanks


  • Why not use sql server exclusively as the back end and use access only as the front end (research access data projets).

  • In all honesty, i never even knew i could do that. Thanks for the info.

  • HTH.

  • One other solution is to use an Access.mdb file for each table, so long as each table does not exceed 2gb. Then link them into one database for processing. But SQL and .ADP files are the way to go.

  • MS has some simple step by step articles for upsizing from Access to SQL, and there is a wizard in Access that will do it almost automatically. All the Access/Jet dataengine components get removed, and the actual data is moved into a sql server or MSDE if you have that.

  • You can Upsize your access tables to sql server, in access there is a wizard for that, and later you can link to that sql server and keep the same table name que you make the links using odbc, try in the file/obtain external data/link tables menu.




  • Don't use the upsizing wizzard.

    Re-develop your database based on SQL Server functionality and data types. Build it correctly the first time based on published best practices for database design, performance, security and scaleability.

    Use the correct tool for the job, so get the sludge-hammer ready your going to be breaking some major rocks.

    have fun, realy.


    Don't count what you do, do what counts.

    SQL Draggon

  • My advice is to start with MSDE (free), and then when you reach that critical point, break down and buy sql server.


    MSDE is basically a lite version of Sql Server 2000.  It has limits, but these limits are there artificially (as in , Microsoft puts them there on purpose)

    The key advantage of using MSDE, is that it IS sql server 2000 , so you have an upgrade option.

    If you code to access, and then want to go to sql server, it is a HORRIBLE experience, wizards or no wizards.

    The biggest pain in the butt with MSDE, is that you only get one free tool to create your tables and such.

    It is called osql.exe

    Its a command line thing.

    Here is some sample code:

    To give you a feel for how to use the MSDE:


    Create a file in notepad called:


    /*                                                                        */

    /*              CreateDatabaseScript.SQL - Creates the MyFirstDatabase database                  */

    /*                                                                        */





    set nocount    on

    set dateformat mdy

    USE master

    declare @dttm varchar(55)

    select  @dttm=convert(varchar,getdate(),113)

    raiserror('Beginning InstMyFirstDatabase.SQL at %s ....',1,1,@dttm) with nowait


    if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='MyFirstDatabase')


      raiserror('Dropping existing MyFirstDatabase database ....',0,1)

      DROP database MyFirstDatabase





    raiserror('Creating MyFirstDatabase database....',0,1)



       Use default size with autogrow


    CREATE DATABASE MyFirstDatabase




    USE MyFirstDatabase


    if db_name() <> 'MyFirstDatabase'

       raiserror('Error in InstMyFirstDatabase.SQL, ''USE MyFirstDatabase'' failed!  Killing the SPID now.'

                ,22,127) with log


    execute sp_dboption 'MyFirstDatabase' ,'trunc. log on chkpt.' ,'true'


    raiserror('Now at the create table section ....',0,1)



    // END CreateDatabaseScript.sql file


    Then, you'll have to run the free tool microsoft gives you:

    (from DOS command prompt)

    osql -E -i CreateDatabaseScript.sql -o CreateDatabaseScript_OUT.txt


    All of the code is in the .sql file, you just have to use the free tool to run it.


    Here are some more samples:


    -- New file in notepad.exe called CreateTablesScript1.sql

    Use MyFirstDatabase



    if exists (select * from sysobjects

     where id = object_id('Location'))

     DROP TABLE Location

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Location (

     --leave this one in ...

    LocationUUID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID() ,

     LocationID int NOT NULL UNIQUE  , 

     LocationName varchar(128) NOT NULL UNIQUE ,

     --leave these, these keep track of how fresh the data is or isn't

     CreateDate datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT getDate(),

     UpdateDate datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT getDate() ,

     RemoveDate datetime NULL


     CONSTRAINT loc_key UNIQUE  ( LocationUUID )





    --end the file called CreateTablesScript1.sql


    Then (again) run the file:

    osql -E -i CreateTablesScript1.sql -o CreateTablesScript1_OUT.txt


    Then ( here we go again)

    Create a file in notepad called PopulateDataScript1.sql

    --start PopulateDataScript1.sql

    Use MyFirstDatabase


    INSERT INTO dbo.Location (LocationID , LocationName) VALUES (  101 , 'Raleigh' )

    INSERT INTO dbo.Location (LocationID , LocationName) VALUES (  102 , 'Durham' )

    INSERT INTO dbo.Location (LocationID , LocationName) VALUES (  103 , 'Wake Forest' )

    INSERT INTO dbo.Location (LocationID , LocationName) VALUES (  104 , 'DeadMan' + CHAR(39) + 's Bluff' )  --avoid single quotes if possible, but here is an example if you need it


    --end PopulateDataScript1.sql



    So , its a little hump to get over.

    But when you create your database, tables, and maybe data through scripts (instead of the GUI tools), you can easily recreate your enviroment against ~~any Sql Server 2000 database (including its baby cousin called MSDE)




    Installing MSDE

    Unforunately, Microsoft has you jump thru a few hoops on this one.


    Create a file called


    Inside it (in notepad) , put this:




    --- end MyParameters.ini

    Now, when you download MSDE from Microsoft, you will unzip it, and there will be a setup.exe program.

    But double clicking it won't do you much good.

    You will then put your MyParameters.ini file in the same directory.

    And then run this: (from dos command line)

    setup /settings "MyParameters.ini" SAPWD="sapassword" /L*v C:/MSDELog.log


    There are different ways, but this will get you started.

    After you install MSDE, then you can run those script samples I gave you.

    If you make this decision now, you will be very happy in the future.

    If you stay with Access, and also use the GUI to create your tables and such, you will have remorse.



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