SQL auditing query

  • Hi friends,

    we have more than 56 porduction server sql 2000 and 2005, so i need one urgent requirement for getting sql query 2000 and 2005 Info like below, can anyone give me suggestion.

    User name

    Creation date and time

    Last login date and time

    Last password change date and time

    Last database activity date and time

    Date and time the user was last locked out

    Current lockout status

    Number of failed password attempts and the beginning date and time of the password attempt window

    Number of failed password answer attempts and the beginning date and time of the password answer attempt window

    Thanks advance

  • Some of those items are not available in 2000 (lockout, password change, etc...).

    In SQL Server 2005/2008 you should start with sys.server_principals. This will give name, create_date, and modify_date.

    Here's the query SSMS uses on 2005 when you bring up a login:


    log.name AS [Name],

    ISNULL(log.default_language_name, N'') AS [Language],

    l.alias AS [LanguageAlias],

    ISNULL(log.default_database_name, N'') AS [DefaultDatabase],

    CAST(CASE sp.state

    WHEN N'D' THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS bit) AS [DenyWindowsLogin],

    CASE WHEN N'U' = log.type THEN 0

    WHEN N'G' = log.type THEN 1

    WHEN N'S' = log.type THEN 2

    WHEN N'C' = log.type THEN 3

    WHEN N'K' = log.type THEN 4

    END AS [LoginType],

    CASE WHEN (N'U' != log.type AND

    N'G' != log.type) THEN 99

    WHEN (sp.state is null) THEN 0

    WHEN (N'G' = sp.state) THEN 1

    ELSE 2

    END AS [WindowsLoginAccessType],

    CAST(CASE WHEN (sp.state is null) THEN 0

    ELSE 1

    END AS bit) AS [HasAccess],

    log.sid AS [Sid],

    CAST(sqllog.is_policy_checked AS bit) AS [PasswordPolicyEnforced],

    CAST(sqllog.is_expiration_checked AS bit) AS [PasswordExpirationEnabled],

    log.create_date AS [CreateDate],

    log.modify_date AS [DateLastModified],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(log.name, N'IsLocked') AS bit) AS [IsLocked],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(log.name, N'IsExpired') AS bit) AS [IsPasswordExpired],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(log.name, N'IsMustChange') AS bit) AS [MustChangePassword],

    log.principal_id AS [ID],

    ISNULL(c.name, N'') AS [Credential],

    ISNULL(cert.name, N'') AS [Certificate],

    ISNULL(ak.name, N'') AS [AsymmetricKey],

    log.is_disabled AS [IsDisabled],

    CAST(CASE WHEN log.principal_id < 256 THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS bit) AS [IsSystemObject]


    sys.server_principals AS log LEFT OUTER JOIN

    sys.syslanguages AS l

    ON l.name = log.default_language_name LEFT OUTER JOIN

    sys.server_permissions AS sp

    ON sp.grantee_principal_id = log.principal_id and

    sp.type = N'COSQ' LEFT OUTER JOIN

    sys.sql_logins AS sqllog

    ON sqllog.principal_id = log.principal_id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    sys.credentials AS c

    ON c.credential_id = log.credential_id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    master.sys.certificates AS cert

    ON cert.sid = log.sid LEFT OUTER JOIN

    master.sys.asymmetric_keys AS ak

    ON ak.sid = log.sid


    (log.type in ('U', 'G', 'S', 'C', 'K') AND

    log.principal_id not between 101 and 255 AND

    log.name N'##MS_AgentSigningCertificate##') and

    (log.name = @_msparam_0)

    I got that using Profiler. I don't have a 2000 instance to play with right now, but you could do the same thing against a 2000 instance to find the code it uses.

    I think you would need a server-side trace to get the rest of the information you want, but I'm not sure.

    In 2005/2008 the default trace does audit logins. Check out this script.

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