SQL Agent permissions

  • Good day,

    In our environment every developer has a backup. I'm looking for a way to configure permissions on a job so the backup developer and primary developer have the same permissions.

    The SQL Agent fixed roles don't really work well for this. The most privileged role only allows you to edit jobs you own - so the backup guy can't edit a job owned by the primary guy. Also, the most privileged role allows you to start / stop all jobs, which may not be ideal.

    I don't want to create a shared domain account, because that lacks transparency and accountability. Adding folks to the sysadmin role, obviously a deal killer.

    This scenario can't be all that unusual - how do you handle this?

    Anyone have any creative solutions?


  • You can create an AD group, add both users to the group, and then grant permissions to that. I'm not sure if this would work in your case, but worth a shot.

  • Thanks for the suggestion Derrick, but that won't work. A job can't be owned by a group, it has to be owned by an individual login.

  • Indeed, just tested that after I posted.

    I really do not like how permissions for jobs/ssis/dts packages are handled..you either give not enough access, or sysadmin...there's almost no in-between that works.

  • if you do not like the bult in Roles, create your own with the proper GRANTS;

    USE [msdb]




    --- Step 2 -------- Assign Permissions to role ------------

    USE [msdb]



    ON SCHEMA ::dbo

    TO [TestRole1]


  • Thanks Geoff for the suggestion, but I'm not sure how that helps. The jobs are not objects that you can grant permissions to.

    I may not understand what you are suggesting...

  • it was more of a comment to the person that said they did not like the fixed roles SQL offered.

    If you want more fine tuned control of roles to msdb, for SQL agent, make your own.

    you could do things like deny on the sp_add_job or grant on sp_delete_job

    in your example, grant sp_update_job on <my newly created role>

    depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

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