SQL Agent Notification of Alerts

  • I have notification alerts set up on Severity 16-25 and Error 825 (I/O Retry).

    This article provides a list of 36 errors (including 3 that are not set to LOG by default) that look worth of alerts. There are several in that list which I have no idea what they are for! and thus, clearly, if they occurred here I would not be looking out for them and thus, I think?, worth putting a Belt&Braces notification alert on.

    http://www.karaszi.com/SQLServer/util_agent_alerts.asp (scroll down to "The alerts defined for specific error numbers:")

    But it seems to beg some questions:

    1) Is this list comprehensive?

    2) Why not put alerts on all errors (within reason!) and then remove alerts on anything that I subsequently find is annoying me and actually doesn't need an alert? That would cover me for something that I don't use, need an alert on, but which some 3rd party software triggers at some point in the future.

    3) How will I ever keep up to date with which error numbers need monitoring in future SPacks / Versions? (which seems to suggest that approach (2) might be best)

    4) Do I need to force a test of every error to make sure I get an email? :crying: I suppose once I have got one perfectly set up I could SCRIPT that and then mechanically generate the script for all the others and consider that "safe enough"??

  • Any thoughts on this please?


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