SQL AGENT MAIL: Error 22022 SQLServer Agent Error

  • Unable to resolve email recipient 'me@myco.com'

    (reason: One or more of the recipients was not found in the address book).

    I am getting this error when I test the e-mail to a new operator. I have SQL 2000 SP2 using Exchange/Outlook. Everything appears to be configured properly per the instructions. Anyone have the same issue?

  • It does'n seems to be a SQL server problem. Anyting unusual in Exchange?

  • Log onto the server as the account that the SQL Server Agent service runs under.

    Then open up Outlook and try to send a test email to the same email address. If this faisl then you know it is an exchange/email account issue. If you can send this email ok then you probably have a problem with your email set up on SQL.

    Nigel Moore

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