Sql Agent-Jobs that abend

  • HI. I was looking at my list of jobs in EM and noticed i have a red circle with an 'X' in the middle of next to a couple of jobs that abended. How is this RED X removed? I manually submitted the jobs once I figured out the error and they ran successfully but the 'RED X' is still being displayed next to the job.


  • Refresh your view, and see if it goes away....

  • Try right-clicking jobs in EM, then click refresh.


  • i did try the refresh at the job level and every level above that and it still shows up. Would it be removed once the job runs successfully on it's own schedule?

  • Yes, it would. However, it would also be removed if run successfully through a manual start. Are you sure it ran successfully when you kicked it off manually?

    And Has it Run and failed since you kicked it off manually?

    Edited by - scorpion_66 on 12/04/2002 1:15:36 PM

  • If you have successfully run the job, shut down EM and re-open it. I've had it act flaky in the past.


  • I've seen that as well, and simply didn't think of it........

    excellent suggestion lhughes92, and could very well be the issue.

  • If still red afterwards look at the job history by right clicking that job in EM and choosing job history, then check show all steps and it should tell you some detail as to why it shows failed and in which step if multiple.

  • Thank you for all the replies.. I was able to submit my job manually again and do a refresh and sure enough, the BIG RED CIRCLE with the X is gone.

    Thanks again for all the help!


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