SQL Agent Backup Job Failures on previously flawless jobs

  • yes, other SPs work just fine in the same db. The difference with this one and a typical one, is that it connects to tables on a remote server.

  • Have you figured this out yet. I'm having the same trouble on 1 of my databases after install Sql Litespeed 2005. I've found some posts indicating that it has something to do with the client network utility protocols, particularly Named/Pipes.http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;827452

    Haven't gotten the hotfix but I disabled the protocols and restarted Sql Agent. Then enableds only tcp/ip and restarted Sql Agent and the problem stopped.

  •  I haven't found the solution yet. I'm about to try the hotfix you referenced, but I am waiting confirmation that it won't affect the third party software that runs on that server.

  • can u  try removing stats percent in the backup script.




  • Very interesting! That appears to work. I wonder why?  And why I wonder did the Stats percent not cause trouble previously, and why does it still not cause trouble on the other dbs on the same server?

    Thank you very much for the suggestion.


  • I am having the exact same problem unfortuneately the remove stats didn't work for me.  Anyone else make headway on this?

    Here is what I am doing works fine in QA but errors with the agent


    BACKUP DATABASE [collaboration_nimsrc]TO [collaboration_nimsrc_DUMP] WITH  INIT ,  NOUNLOAD ,  NOSKIP ,   NOFORMAT

  • Update.  I added the TCP-IP alias in the network utility and it began to work.  How strange but I guess that is the fix.  I didn’t need to remove the named pipes either.

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