SQL Agent + Active Scripting + COM+ + DTS Problems


    Hello All,

    I've got a bug that is driving me crazy.  I have a job on a Windows 2000 Server (SQL Server 2000 is on this machine) and when it hits the active scripting step it fails.  I get the following Error; "Executed as user: WPPISQL1\sqlservice. ActiveScripting specific error 257 occurred.  The step failed."  I've parsed the set and get no error.  What it does is it executes some custom COM components that control some DTS package located on this machine.  TO see where it fails lool below.

    Dim adoRs

    Dim adoConn

    Dim adoCmd

    Set adoRs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Set adoConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set adoCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")


    Dim dtsRun

    Dim dtsBUD

    Dim dtsBUS

    Dim dtsRD

    Dim dtsRS

    Function Main()

     Set dtsRun = CreateObject("WPPI_HDWH_DATA.clsDataLoad") SCRIPT FAILS RIGHT HERE

     adoConn.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"

     adoConn.ConnectionString = "User ID=WPPI_HDWH;Password=password;" & "Data Source=WPPISQL1;" & "Initial Catalog=WPPI_HDWH"


     adoRs.ActiveConnection = adoConn

     adoRs.OPen "Select prefix from WPPI_Main_Load_Globals order by prefix"

      Do Until adoRs.EOF


      if x = true then

       Set dtsBUD = CreateObject("WPPI_HDWH_DATA.clsBUDetail") 


       Set dtsBUS = CreateObject("WPPI_HDWH_DATA.clsBUSummary")


       Set dtsRD = CreateObject("WPPI_HDWH_DATA.clsREVDetail")


       Set dtsRS = CreateObject("WPPI_HDWH_DATA.clsREVSummary")


       Set dtsBUD = Nothing

       Set dtsBUS = Nothing

       Set dtsRD = Nothing

       Set dtsRS = Nothing

      end if



     Set adoRs = nothing

     Set adoConn = nothing

     Set adoCmd = nothing

     Set dtsRun = Nothing

     Set dtsBUD = Nothing

     Set dtsBUS = Nothing

     Set dtsRD = Nothing

     Set dtsRS = Nothing

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Private Function strip(str)

     Do While InStr(str, vbCr)

         str = Replace(str, vbCr, " ")



      Do While InStr(str, vbLf)

         str = Replace(str, vbLf, "")


      strip = Trim(str)

    End Function

    The COM components are register correctly on the server.  The users that the job runs under is set up correctly.

    Any one have an idea?




  • You have your COM registered directly, or via a Component Services Application.  I recommend the latter and use a lan login to authenticate the application package.  That we you elliminate any permission related issues with the script and remote access needs.  Just a thought.

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