SQL Agent

  • Hello Everyone,

    I was wondering if you could offer some advise and feedback on a problem that I am having. I have a Windows Server 2008 Standard setup running SQL Server 2005 Standard.

    Initially all runs well but the SQL Agent will not stay started, If I start the service from Management Studio is reports that it started and then stopped.

    I checked the SQL Agent Log file and this is the list that it gave back.


    SQL Agent Log File

    09/18/2009 10:41:58,,Information,[098] SQLServerAgent terminated (normally)

    09/18/2009 10:41:58,,Error,[382] Logon to server 'mmdev' failed (DisableAgentXPs)

    09/18/2009 10:41:58,,Error,[298] SQLServer Error: 126 An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005 this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. [SQLSTATE 08001]

    09/18/2009 10:41:58,,Error,[165] ODBC Error: 0 Login timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]

    09/18/2009 10:41:58,,Error,[298] SQLServer Error: 126 VIA Provider: The specified module could not be found. [SQLSTATE 08001]

    09/18/2009 10:41:24,,Error,[000] Unable to connect to server 'mmdev'; SQLServerAgent cannot start

    09/18/2009 10:41:24,,Error,[298] SQLServer Error: 126 An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005 this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. [SQLSTATE 08001]

    09/18/2009 10:41:24,,Error,[165] ODBC Error: 0 Login timeout expired [SQLSTATE HYT00]

    09/18/2009 10:41:24,,Error,[298] SQLServer Error: 126 VIA Provider: The specified module could not be found. [SQLSTATE 08001]

    In the server event viewer it is reporting the following.

    Event Viewer

    Log Name: Application

    Source: SQLAgent$ARKHAM

    Date: 18/09/2009 10:41:24

    Event ID: 103

    Task Category: Service Control

    Level: Error

    Keywords: Classic

    User: N/A

    Computer: mmdev.mycompany.local


    SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server 'mmdev'; SQLServerAgent cannot start).

    Event Xml:








    Unable to connect to server 'mmdev'; SQLServerAgent cannot start

    I am logged in as the domain admin for my network.

    Any advise would be welcomed here as I have tried a variety of solutions form online and none of them are helping at all.

    If I go into the Management Studio and look under logins. BUILTIN\Administrator is present. I have tied removing it and adding it again, bit it still doesnt help. Additionally. If you need any further info please let me know.

  • What Logon cred's are assigned to the SQL Agent?

    Do that user have a default database set? If it doesnt check that the SQL Agent user has access to that DB?

  • Is this a new Intallation of SS? Did you configure the remote allow settings?

    " be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. [SQLSTATE 08001]" -

    Check the following:

    On you SQL Server name in SSCM, right click, and select properties

    On the left is a menu list, select "Connections"

    The bottom Half will show "Allow Remote Connections to this server"

    Make sure its enabled, with a recommended timeout of 600..

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Hey there,

    I can confirm that remote connections is selected. I can also confirm that this is a new installation of SS2005. I should comment that I am logged into the physical server itself as Domain Admin as I stated above.

    The SQLAgent is using LocalSystem Account logon. The database itself also uses Windows Authentication.

  • allan.kendall (9/18/2009)

    Hey there,

    I can confirm that remote connections is selected. I can also confirm that this is a new installation of SS2005. I should comment that I am logged into the physical server itself as Domain Admin as I stated above.

    The SQLAgent is using LocalSystem Account logon. The database itself also uses Windows Authentication.

    It uses a local account for the Agent, but only Windows Authentication?

    I know most DBA's will disagree, but ok, lets call this a mere test.

    Use a Domain Account (your own for now) to start the Agent up with.

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Tried changing the login credentials.

    Same error. 🙁

    Also, just to clarify, this is still a development server, security has not been implemented yet as I am the only one working on it. I appreciate the most DBA's have security comments and I am happy to take them on board when I actually get that far.

  • Still cannot get this thing to start and stay started and now I have the added confusion of the SQL Server Agent NOT being visible in the SSMS. However the SQL Agent service is still visible in the Services manager of the server itself.

    I am not sure wether my permissions are correct either. So any input is welcome. To aid the resolution of this issue I have included some screen shots.

    I need to know:

    a) Why or how has SQL Server Agent dissapeared from SQL Server Management Studio.

    b) Are my permissions correct at first glace

    c) What can I do to try and get the agent to start and stay started.

    I removed the company name for obvious reasons.

    Riddle me this!?

  • Two reasons I've seen for not being able to start SQL Server Agent:

    (1) The location specified for the SQLAGENT.OUT log file is incorrect or the permissions on the location are insufficient.

    (2) You have disabled the Named Pipes protocol. SQL Server Agent will, by default, try to connect using Named Pipes.

    As for the reason you can't see SQL Server Agent in Management Studio, this is probably because your login doesn't have the right permissions on the SQL Server.


  • Considering the points made in the last post, I would check the following, check what protocols are enabled in sqlserver configuration manager. I would also check the sql server log, to see if it says anything else and I would check the windows event logs.

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  • I gave up. Deleted the instance and made a new one. Problem has now gone.

    The cost of time to fix this was to extensive and it was more practical to start again.

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