SQL 7.0 -> 2000 upgrade - no upgrade option

  • Does anyone know what would cause the SQL 2K standard setup program to have a grayed out Upgrade Option when running the upgrade on a SQL 7.0 Server?


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Check registry key "currentversion" in hkey_local_machine --> software --> microsoft --> mssqlserevr --> mssqlserver --> currentversion

  • Here is the reg key...


    "checksum"=hex:37,36,32,32,63,31,35,38,61,65,37,64,34,63,64,37,35,30,64,61,30, 33,34,62,37,64,63,33,37,66,33,34,33,30,35,63,38,66,66,32,34,31,39,36,34,64, 34,64,37,35,33,31,63,37,31,33,34,65,65,63,37,34,32,30,34,37,39,30,33,31,66, 31,38,36,35,65,61,63,38,63,62,38,62,61,30,39,64,31,62,33,30,37,37,37,37,62, 64,66,33,66,64,33,39,66,30,38,66,33,31,34,63,62,37,65,37,38,35,33,63,66,64, 63,31,64,61,32,62,31,31,31,30,31,30,38,64,37,37,61,36,62,34,38,36,64,63,66, 62,38,32,62,34,62,35,64,00







  • I had experience this long before (2-3years ago). We installed SQL Server 7.0 with CD provided by SAP and try to upgrade it to SQL Server 2000 with CD from SAP too. I know there was something realed to SQL Server version and build number because SAP burned the CD with some hotfixes, It was not original CD from Microsoft.

    I am wondering you have similar issue. Can you also post the first 10 lines of SQL Server 2000 setup log. It is in \winnt directory.

  • We're using legit MS purchased CDs.

    We're going from SQL 7.0 Enterprise to SQL 2000 Standard.

    Here's the first part of the log:

    06:52:11 Begin Setup

    06:52:11 8.00.194

    06:52:11 Mode = Normal

    06:52:11 ModeType = NORMAL

    06:52:11 GetDefinitionEx returned: 0, Extended: 0xf00000

    06:52:11 ValueFTS returned: 1

    06:52:11 ValuePID returned: 1

    06:52:11 ValueLic returned: 1

    06:52:11 System: Windows NT Enterprise Server

    06:52:11 SQL Server ProductType: Standard Edition [0x2]

    06:52:11 IsNTCluster returned: 0

    06:52:11 Begin Action: SetupInitialize

    06:52:11 End Action SetupInitialize

    06:52:11 Begin Action: SetupInstall

    06:52:11 Reading Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CommonFilesDir ...

    06:52:11 CommonFilesDir=C:\Program Files\Common Files

    06:52:11 Windows Directory=C:\WINNT06:52:11 Program Files=C:\Program Files06:52:11 TEMPDIR=C:\WINNT\TEMP06:52:11 Begin Action: SetupInstall

    06:52:11 Begin Action: CheckFixedRequirements

    06:52:11 Platform ID: 0xf00000

    06:52:11 Version: 5.0.2195

    06:52:11 File Version - C:\WINNT\system32\shdocvw.dll: 6.0.2800.1106

    06:52:11 End Action: CheckFixedRequirements

    06:52:11 Begin Action: ShowDialogs

    06:52:11 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x183000f7, Disable Back=0x1

    06:52:11 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1

    06:52:11 Begin Action: DialogShowSdWelcome

    06:52:12 End Action DialogShowSdWelcome

    06:52:12 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1

    06:52:12 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    06:52:12 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=1

    06:52:12 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2

    06:52:12 Begin Action: DialogShowSdMachineName

    06:52:16 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1

    06:52:16 Name = XXXXXX, Type = 0x1

    06:52:16 Begin Action: CheckRequirements

    06:52:16 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)

  • Problem solved....

    Found out via BOL that 7.0 enterprise can only be upgraded to 2K enterprise.

    Version and Edition Upgrades

    Each of the editions of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 (SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition, SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition, SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition, and SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition) comes with its own compact disc and is installed separately.

    You can add to the feature set of your installation of Microsoft SQL Server by performing a version and edition upgrade at the same time. For example, if you have purchased Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition, you can upgrade from SQL Server 7.0 Desktop Edition to SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition.

    Upgrade options between versions and editions of SQL Server are shown in the table.

    Installed Version Can upgrade to


    SQL Server 7.0 Enterprise Edition SQL -> Server 2000 Enterprise Edition


    Thanks for the help!


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