Sql 2k server on w2k3

  • I have installed Windows2003 on my old PC (Pentium Pro 200) for testing purpose. Then I installed SQL-Server 2000 with svp3. All runs smooth, but after a while (about 7 hours, sometimes earlier) I get:

     Applicationpopup: sqlserver.exe - error in application: The exception "unknown software exception" (0xc0150014) is shown up in the application at 0x77f3560c.

    Error 17883 severity code: 1 Status 0  

    The timeplanningmodule 0 doesn't respond anymore SPID 0, ECID 0, UMS-Context 0x01664DA0.

    After this happened very often I uninstalled SQL-Server 2000

    I checked the MSDN knowledgebase and found that MS has implemented a health function in svp 3. (it seems so not for me)

    Does anyone know more about this? Has this something to do with the slow machine?



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • One of our Servers is Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2000 (Standard Edition) with SP3. Has no problems at all. But, then again this Server is used very mildly.

    On the other hand I have another server that is Windows Server 2000 and SQL Server 2000 (Standard Edition) with SP3. This one however, gives me the same error you are talking about with a slight difference :

    "Error: 17883, Severity: 1, State: 0

    The Scheduler 0 appears to be hung. SPID 8, ECID 0, UMS Context 0x25352B08."

    From my reasearch I found that this is not a severe error and is caused by a known bug in SQL Server 2000.

    "MS03-031" is supposed to get rid of it. Also, if you are going apply patch "MS03-031", then also apply the bug fix "Bug#:470066(SHILOH_BUGS)".

    We haven't got around to doing this yet, so I cannot tell you if this will work. Also, I cannot say this solutions applies to the problem you are having. But, it is a start.

  • HSM thank you for your reply.

    The error message is the same text (my text was a translation from german to english) except the UMS Context, which is different.

    I will try your suggestion when I install SQL Server 2000 on my old machine again.

    But one thing I didn't mentioned: In the 7 hours till the error happens SQL-Server 2000 had nothing to do. No logon, no application running, only idle. And after that time the eventlog showed up the error-message every minute.

    best regards



  • I have the same identical problem.

    SQL server 2000 sp3.

    Every 60 seconds I get the error in eventviewer. The error is logged with the db with load or with no applications running.

    There are more istances on the cluster. Only an istance has the problem. Moving the istance on other nodes doed not solve the problem. Even impossible to replicate the problem in pre production.

    Cannot even know if the problem is a db problem or an istance problem.

    I'm planning to put production db offline in night time, to understand where is the problem. Checkdb don't hilight problems.


  • You may be experiencing BUG #: 469097 (SQL Server 8.0)


    FIX: An "Error 17883" error message may be logged, and SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 7.0 may stop responding when you run an application that creates COM objects by using the sp_OACreate function


    For the Fix:

    SQL Server 2000 hotfix update for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 and 3a



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