SQL 2008 R2 and Visual Studio 2010 BI support

  • I have installed SQL 2008 R2 and Visual Studio 2010 Premium (in that order) on a new "clean" server. Problem is that Visual Studio 2010 does not show "Business Intelligence Projects" as a New-Projects option. Neither is it in the list of item-templates available. So no SSAS, SSIS and SSRS

    I read elsewhere that the installation-sequence was the problem and that I should now run (from the SQL install-CD)


    and then

    \Tools\Setup\setup.exe /qb REINSTALL=SQL_WarehouseDevWorkbench REINSTALLMODE=OMUS

    .... only problem is that neither the stated directory nor vs_setup.exe are to be found! (Perhaps that related to non-R2 2008 or even 2005)

    Anyone else had (and solved) the same problem, maybe?

  • BIDS does not run in VS 2010. You need to use VS 2008.


    Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 does not support Business Intelligence Development Studio Integration Services, Report Services and Analysis Services projects for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2. To work around this issue, you can install Visual Studio 2008 alongside Visual Studio 2010 on the same machine and then open the Business Intelligence Development Studio projects in Visual Studio 2008.

    Yes, it was a shock to me, too.

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