SQL 2005 Table Valued Functions

  • Hi All - I have a question regarding TVF's. I have a requirement to provide a TVF that has two required and three optional parameters. My problem is with the optional params. I am trying to keep this as clean as possible. One ugly method I could use would be to generate the SQL based on a check of each parameter. If I'm not mistaken, there would be 8 possible scenarios. Since I need to return a table, I would like to create a SPROC possibly using dynamic SQL however I am finding I can't call a SPROC in the TVF. Any thoughts or best practices would be greatly appreciated.

  • Not quite clear on the nature of your question. Are you wondering technically how to do it or how should you do it?

    The method for creating optional parameters in a table-valued function is simple: in the declaration of the table, include default values for the function:

    CREATE FUNCTION test(@foo VARCHAR(3) = 'bar'...

    You then call the code using the keyword DEFAULT in place of the optional parameters:

    SELECT * FROM test(DEFAULT) --will use default value 'bar' for parameter foo

    How you _should_ approach the task is another question. Sometimes the task at hand fits nicely into the framework, and sometimes it doesn't.

    An example that I frequently use is one where the optional parameter represents an optional filter. Using a default value is nice, because the user doesn't need to remember what the special value is that returns all records:

    CREATE FUNCTION selectValues


    @filterParam INT = NULL




    FROM tbl

    WHERE filterCol = ISNULL(@filterParam, filterCol)--*

    What are you trying to do?

    Edit:* just a footnote for people who might stumble into this thread: this won't work if your column holds nulls.

    Dan Guzman - Not the MVP (7/22/2010)
    All questions have to be prefaced by Server version and 'according to MS Docs' or 'my own personal opinion based on how much detail I felt like digging into at the time.'

  • Thank you very much for the reply. Sometimes it takes another set of eyes to see something so obvious. Your solution worked great. Basically I wanted a single query that would handle the optional parameters and return a table. Fortunately my three optional parameter field values don't allow nulls so this works for me.

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