SQL 2005 - Get Job Schedules

  • Need all job's schedules. The System tables/SP/View results are not clear (date/time etc). Is there a way to find out the scheduled run date/time without creating any UDF.

  • Hi,

    Check it sysjobs,sysjobschedules, sysschedules objects in msdb database.

    With thanks & regards


  • maybe this can get you started ...

    select [Server]

    , JobNaam

    , JobEnabled

    --, last_run_date

    --, last_run_time

    --, Sum_last_run_duration

    , freq_type

    , frequence

    , Units_freq_subday_interval

    , freq_subday_interval

    , freq_relative_interval

    , freq_recurrence_factor

    , active_start_time

    , Schedule_Name

    , ScheduleEnabled

    from (

    select Srv.name as Server

    , J.name as JobNaam --, J.description

    , min(J.enabled) as JobEnabled

    , min(case SS.freq_type

    when 1 then 'Once'

    when 4 then 'Daily'

    when 8 then 'Weekly'

    when 16 then 'Monthly'

    when 32 then 'Monthly*'

    when 64 then 'At SqlServer Start'

    when 128 then 'CPU Idle'

    else '??????'

    end) as freq_type

    , min(case SS.freq_type

    when 1 then 'N/A'

    when 4 then convert(varchar(20), SS.freq_interval)

    when 8 then case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 1 = 1 then 'Su-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 2 = 2 then 'Mo-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 4 = 4 then 'Tu-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 8 = 8 then 'We-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 16 = 16 then 'Th-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 32 = 32 then 'Fr-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 64 = 64 then 'Sa'

    else '..'


    when 16 then convert(varchar(20), SS.freq_interval)

    when 32 then case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 1 = 1 then 'Su-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 2 = 2 then 'Mo-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 3 = 3 then 'Tu-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 4 = 4 then 'We-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 5 = 5 then 'Th-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 6 = 6 then 'Fr-'

    else '..-'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 7 = 7 then 'Sa'

    else '..'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 8 = 8 then 'Day-'

    else '...'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 9 = 9 then 'Weekday-'

    else '..'

    end + case when convert(binary(2), SS.freq_interval) & 10 = 10 then 'Weekend'

    else '..'


    when 64 then convert(varchar(20), SS.freq_interval) + ' ???'

    else '??????'

    end) as frequence

    , min(case SS.freq_subday_type

    when 1 then 'At the specified time'

    when 2 then 'Seconds'

    when 4 then 'Minutes'

    when 8 then 'Hours'

    else '???'

    end) as Units_freq_subday_interval

    , min(SS.freq_subday_interval) as freq_subday_interval

    , min(case SS.freq_type

    when 32 then case freq_relative_interval --int Scheduled job's occurrence of the freq_interval in each month when freq_type is 32 (monthly relative):

    when 1 then 'First'

    when 2 then 'Second'

    when 4 then 'Third'

    when 8 then 'Fourth'

    when 16 then 'Last'

    else '???'


    else '-NA-'

    end) as freq_relative_interval

    , min(SS.freq_recurrence_factor) as freq_recurrence_factor

    , min(SS.active_start_time) as active_start_time

    , SS.name as Schedule_Name

    , min(SS.enabled) as ScheduleEnabled

    -- select *

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs J

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules S

    on J.job_id = S.job_id

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysschedules SS

    on SS.schedule_id = S.schedule_id

    inner join sys.servers Srv

    on Srv.server_id = J.originating_server_id

    group by Srv.name

    , J.name

    , SS.name

    ) GroupSel

    order by Jobnaam

    /* only the schedules */

    Select *

    from msdb.dbo.sysschedules SS

    order by name


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  • Thanks for this script!

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