SQL 2005 find all users in a DB role

  • I got this Query here in the scripts forum. It lists all the roles a user is in. What I also need is a query to list all the users in a given role. Does anyone have one?

    DECLARE @username NVARCHAR(128);

    SET @username = 'TPrice';

    WITH CTE_Roles (role_principal_id)



    SELECT role_principal_id

    FROM sys.database_role_members

    WHERE member_principal_id = USER_ID(@username)


    SELECT drm.role_principal_id

    FROM sys.database_role_members drm


    ON drm.member_principal_id = CR.role_principal_id


    SELECT DISTINCT USER_NAME(role_principal_id) RoleName

    FROM CTE_Roles


    SELECT 'public'

    ORDER BY RoleName;

  • i have this saved in part of my snippets; it's scripting all the users for every role ; you could parameterize it to limit it to one role if desired:

    --example results:

    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader','bob'

    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter','bob'

    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner','bob'

    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner','superman'

    EXEC sp_addrolemember 'MSmerge_PAL_role','MSmerge_52F065AA4F264D1F9263ED13CF6DB249'

    SELECT 'EXEC sp_addrolemember ''' + Rtrim(r.name) + ''',''' + Rtrim(Coalesce(l.name,u.name)) + '''' AS '-- Add Role Users'

    FROM dbo.sysusers u

    INNER JOIN sysmembers m

    ON u.uid = m.memberuid

    INNER JOIN sysusers r

    ON m.groupuid = r.uid

    LEFT OUTER JOIN MASTER.dbo.syslogins l

    ON u.sid = l.sid

    WHERE r.issqlrole = 1

    AND u.name <> 'dbo'

    AND r.name LIKE '%'

    ORDER BY r.name,



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  • I’m not a DBA, I’m in applications and I’m trying to report on what users are in what roles. The structure is there are roles set up as job titles. Each job title has roles. For example:

    JT_Developer is a role/job title.

    Some of it’s roles are:





    Those could be shared by other job titles. For example JT_ClaimsAsst could have them. Say I need to list all the users in accessAccountMGT. I don’t think the example you gave me is recursing though all the roles and bringing back the users. The CTE example is doing that recursion. I think it’s basically flipping the example I posted around but I don’t know how.

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