SQL 2005 Enterprise - Need Development Environment

  • We have SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition in production. We currently use Standard edition in our dev\test\stage environment. We need to start developing/testing functions available in Enterprise Edition in non-prod environment, but obviously cannot. I understand Developer Edition has Enterprise edition functions, but can this only be installed for a single-user? In this case, what is the most efficient way to test Enterprise functions in a non-production environment?

    Thank you much

  • Multiple users can use Developer Edition, you just have to have a Developer Edition License for each person. They are generally really cheap, like $50 IIRC. Your best bet would be to contact Microsoft Licensing directly and see if you can get a volume discount, or go through your existing Microsoft contracts to get the Developer Edition Licenses you need.

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • That's great, thank you very much!!

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