SQL 2005 Cluster Question

  • We have a scheduled power outage that we need to turn off all servers.  We have an active/passive sql 2005 cluster that we need to power off.  I know we power down the passive server first then the active one, but what about the SQL Services?  On non-cluster servers, we turned off the services prior to doing a Start > Shutdown.  Is it best to use SQL Service Configuration Manager to turn off the SQL services or Cluster Administrator?  Or when doing a shutdown of the computer will it automatically stop the services?  What is the best practice turning the cluster off completely?  The more I research this topic, the more confused I get.  Thank you for your assistance.

  • Turn off the SQL Services using Cluster Administrator

  • Take the cluster group offline which includes sql services, disks, ip address ect...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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