SQL 2005 Backup Speed

  • I am running my own database backup script for user DB on a Dell PowerEdge 2600 with 2gb ram 1x2.8Ghz xeon 512k cache, local 4 disk RAID 5 SCSI array. The server has windows 2k server std sp4 with SQL 2005 std sp1 (1.4GB max ram).

    I dont have sufficent disk space to run local backups so i am running them to a USB NAS device mounted through a linksys ("network storage link for USB") which gives ethernet access directly on to the same gigabit switch as my server. All network connections involved are gigabit.

    I am verfiying database integrity first as part of my script



    My issue is the speed at which the backups run. I get about 4MB/sec +/- 0.1MB/sec as my backup speed. What sort of speed does everyone else get if they are backing up onto other network devices?

    This sounds too slow to me. is that right or is there a way to increase speeds? The SQL server is only lightly used and not during backup times. The gigabit switch also has 2 busy non-SQL production servers and the exchange server/domain controller on it. Although speeds do not differ even overnight when these servers are not used. Am i right in thinking realworld transfers are ~40MB/sec gigabit , USB 2.0 ~25MB/sec, hard disk >25MB/sec?

    Any help suggestions etc greatfully received.

    PS sql performance counters wont install properley on this server so i cant get any more info. Error: 8313 and 3409 and service startup.

  • give more information on USB NAS device mounted ? along with Fiberchannel

  • The communication path is as follows;

    standalone USB 2.0 NAS -> linksys USB to ethernet converter -> gigabit switch -> SQL server

  • This is not the solution & i think you might have done some research already like:-

    a> Event log files on USB 2.0 NAS

    b> Not sure if Alert emails have been setup on this USB 2.0 NAS which can send emails to you or Network admin if it encounter any error/problem.

    c> do the bandwidth/speed check, there are some 3rd part tools/software avaliable which checks speed/bandwidth/collison/packetloss/etc.... this can give you more information based on your communication path.

    d> major factor of this problem is the network & the speed of the server. unless your NAS is not on the latest Firmware & that may not be the case also.

    e> As there is Switch between NAS & Sql Server, can you put NAS before SQL Server & see if you gain any speed or see any difference.

    f> I know there are Network gurus out there, but tslking with NAS Product support may help.

    I am sorry i was not that helpful.


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