SQL 2005 alerts and operators

  • We've got a problem with an sql 2005 installation that were really struggling with

    the problem breaks down into several areas

    1)operators using database mail to send alerts are not sending to pagers but are sending to email - if we create a second operator with an email address that is the pager email address then it works.


    operator 1

    pager:pager@pagercompany.com - pager on duty 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 monday - sunday


    on an error or performance alert the email is received but the page is not.

    if we set it up as

    operator 1


    operator 2


    we get both messages

    2) alerts are intermittenly firing - for example severity 22 alters are set up in 2005 - alerts are seen in the sql error log but do not record in the history of the alert (raised 0 times) sometimes the alert fires and sends an email - other times it does not fire and does not even attempt to send an emil

    3)raiserror WITH LOG does not ever trigger an alert.

    alerts are shown in the alert log but alerts for that severity are not fired...

    funilly enough if we switch the alerts to be performance condition alerts (e.g we switch severity 17 alert to transaction throughput>1/second ) we always get alerts


  • Answering Question 1:

    BOL says "To set up pager notification, you must install software on the mail server that processes inbound mail and converts it to a pager message." See "Defining Operators" artcle.

    Answering #2 and #3: something is telling me that your log somehow is not accessible to SQL Server to read and interpret the events.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • so the pager alerts in 2005 aren't the same as the email pager alerts in 2000?


  • the following is the section from books online:

    basically the system that worked in 2000 should work in 2005 as it's implemented by e-mail - the problem we're having is that the mail server isn't even receiving the pager email - only the operator email

    Pager notification

    Paging is implemented by e-mail. For pager notification, you provide the e-mail address where the operator receives pager messages. To set up pager notification, you must install software on the mail server that processes inbound mail and converts it to a pager message. The software can take one of several approaches, including:

    Forwarding the mail to a remote mail server at the site of the pager provider.

    The pager provider must offer this service, although the software required is generally available as part of the local mail system. For more information, see your pager documentation.

    Routing the e-mail by way of the Internet to an e-mail server at the pager provider's site.

    This is a variation on the first approach.

    Processing the inbound e-mail and dialing the pager by using an attached modem.

    This software is proprietary to pager service providers. The software acts as a e-mail client that periodically processes its inbox either by interpreting all or part of the e-mail address information as a pager number, or by matching the e-mail name to a pager number in a translation table.

    If all of the operators share a pager provider, you can use SQL Server Management Studio to specify any special e-mail formatting that is required by the pager-to-e-mail system. The special formatting can be a prefix or a suffix and can be included in the following lines of the e-mail:





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