April 26, 2006 at 10:09 am
May 1, 2006 at 8:00 am
This was removed by the editor as SPAM
May 2, 2006 at 7:43 am
1) This sounds a bug. The "Automatically remove agent history checkbox and set the time delay" is not set as an agent property. Check the set agent properties system SP in msdb, it does not have the property:
INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0
-- Non-SQLDMO exposed properties
INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0
INT = NULL, -- No maximum = -1, otherwise must be > 1
INT = NULL, -- 1 to @jobhistory_max_rows
NVARCHAR(255) = NULL, -- Full drive\path\name of errorlog file
INT = NULL, -- 1 = error, 2 = warning, 4 = information
NVARCHAR(30) = NULL, -- Network address of error popup recipient
INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0
sysname = NULL, -- Alias of local host server
INT = NULL, -- 5 to 600 seconds
VARBINARY(64) = NULL, -- CmdExec account information
INT = NULL, -- obsolete
sysname = NULL, -- obsolete
VARBINARY(512) = NULL, -- obsolete
INT = NULL, -- 5 to 45 (seconds)
INT = NULL, -- 1 to 100
INT = NULL, -- 20 to 86400 seconds
INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0
INT = NULL, -- not applicable to Yukon server, for backwards compatibility only
NVARCHAR(64) = NULL, -- Email profile name
INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0
INT = NULL, -- 1 or 0
INT = NULL -- 1 or 0
Instead, SSMS generates the script
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_purge_jobhistory @oldest_date='a time'
to purge the log.
2) If you remove OEM checkbox, you should not have the error. The log file in OEM fomat does not accept unicode.
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