SQL 2000 to 2005 64-bit

  • Are there any issues replicating from SQL 2000 (32 bit) to SQL 2005 (64 bit)?

    Also I assume 6.5 or 7.0 replication to 2005 is not available....? 😉

  • Hi there,

    we had a sql 2000 to 2005 64 bit setup running to replicate data from our production system to our DWH.

    We were using transactional replication and everything was fine.

    We only saaw some difficulties when we wanted to change articles in the replication. We were replicating about 300 Objects aat around 70GB.

    Other than that replication runs happily from 2000 to 2005, even with the 32Bit to 64Bit switch.





  • Good to have a verification! Thanks

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