sql 2000 - table field with multiple columns

  • Need to bring in the same table field into different columns in the same row of the sql query for each different value instead of different rows: example 1 is how I have it, but need it to be in the 2nd format. Don't know sql well at all. the examples below are just a snippet of the info.

    Inc # Category Date openedlabelValue

    1cat a1/1/2001 client ABC

    1cat a1/1/2001 system 123

    Inc #CategoryDate openedClientSystem

    1cat a1/1/2001 ABC 123

    Table is prp and the fields are Label and Value, both of which can have multiple entries. Hope this makes sense.

    Thank you in advance!


  • Why can't you do it in a matrix?

  • If i understand the question then I think the easies solution is to use the for XML

    Something along the lines of

    Select [Inc#], [Category], [Date], [opened]

    [System] = STUFF((Select ', ' + TI.System From [Tablename] TI Where TI.Inc = TO.Inc FOR XML PATH('')) ,1,2,'')

    From [Tablename] TO

    This should concatenate your ABC and 123 into one column(comma separated).

  • He needs to pivot them into columns, not concatenate them into a single string.

  • Unfortunately, I have not worked with XML. I know "some" sql, but this is not something I have tried to tackle before.

    Thank you for your reply.

  • Karren Turner (6/15/2011)

    Unfortunately, I have not worked with XML. I know "some" sql, but this is not something I have tried to tackle before.

    Thank you for your reply.

    #1 I'm not sure this works in sql 2000, pretty sure it doesn't but I can't test.

    #2 It doesn't solve your problem anyways.

    What you need is to build a matrix and there are plenty of samples of that on google.

  • for some reason, i haven't used the matrix reporting much. As soon as I figure out how to get all of the column names added, I think this will worik!

    Thank you!

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