SQL 2000 Licensing

  • Hi,

    Is there anyway of finding out which licensing model SQL 7 / 2000 Standard Server's been installed with?  There must be a way but I can't find it!  If there's a transact script I can run that would be even better but I guess it may be registry based.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Run this in Query Analyzer:

    SELECT  SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')



  • Thanks for the reply Greg.

    However i'm actually trying to find out from a previously installed version of SQL Server whether it was installed under a per processor or cal license model & the respective number of processor's / cal's specified.


  • Oh, sorry.  Try this:

    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('licensetype')

    I'm not positive this works with v7.0.  Another way to find the license mode is to look at SQL Server 2000 Licensing in the servers's Control Panel.



  • Thanks Greg.

    Didn't even think of looking in control panel.  However when I run the select script query analyzer returns a value of 'Disabled'.  Any thought's?

    Not important as I can get this information via control panel but would like to know why this is appearing on several different SQL 2000 installations.


  • It shows up that way on some of my servers too.  I read one theory that the query might return 'Disabled' if the license mode was set to per processor during setup but the number of processors wasn't set.

    MS has a KB article that says this was a bug that was fixed in sp2.  Apparently not, as my servers are sp3a or sp4.





  • Cheers Greg,

    The majority of our servers are sp3a as well... although I suspect this particular server is licensed on the per processor model.  Thanks for the kb article i'll take a look.


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