SQL 2000 - Downgrade from Enterprise to Standard

  • I've inherited a sql 2000 enterprise edition server and my company wants to downgrade to standard edition.

    We are not using any enteprise features and our license initially was for 4 CPU standard edition.

    It's a production server with 2 databases for 2 high traffic magazine sites.

    Is there a better approach than this:

    Move db's to another server change DSN uninstall and install standard edition and then move back the db's and change back the DSN?

    Alex S
  • Personally, I prefer a rebuilt server to an uninstall.  (I've never had much confidence in an uninstall of any kind).  Of course that depends on your confidence in getting everything else (file system permissions, other application installs, etc) back to production status... and in a timely fashion.


  • thanks rubes

    we are going with the same approach stop data entry, move db's to another server, change DSN, rebuild server, install standard edition, move back the db's, and change the DSN on all web servers.

    We are estimating about 10 hours for this implementation.

    Alex S
  • One more piece of advice if you haven't thought of it already, especially if you are dealing with very large databases.  If you want to minimize down time during the final move back to the original server, do the following:

    1. Do a full backup of the database on the temporary server
    2. Copy backup to production server and restore WITH NORECOVERY
    3. Stop data entry on temporary server and do a final differential backup
    4. Copy differential backup to production server and restore WITH RECOVERY



  • Don't forget service pack/patches on operating system and SQL Server, just as importantly don't go "too far" on SQL Server service packs prior to moving databases around.



  • Don't forget your jobs and DTS packages etc. if you have them aswell

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