SQL '05 32 bit onto a 64 bit O/S

  • Hi everyone. Any cautions or got ya's when installing a 2005 SQL 32bit instance onto a 2008 Server 64 bit operating system? Thanks for everyone for being there to help.

  • I have tried that and it works through the WOW (Windows on Windows) functionality. I really didn't notice any problems but the question still has to be asked, why not buy the 64-Bit version of SQL so that you can use more memory?

    One note, if you plan on putting Reporting Services up with that instance, that is another story. I couldn't get it to work, most likely due to the .NET stuff. I had to bail on that after many hours of TS and move the RS to another server. Altogether painful.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Thanks for responding David. We' re in a money and time crunch, and need to implement this configuration this morning. Eventually we will purchase the 64 bit and implement.

  • David, are you saying Reporting services fails with the 32 bit SQL but RS was successful running on the 64 bit 2005 SQL?

  • No, the RS install worked fine but didn't work. I could never browse the "site". There are some interesting blogs / white papers to correct the issue (it is with the .NET registration) that I was not able to work through successfully and ended up moving the RS install to a 32-bit server, which of course worked well.

    I don't have the links for those sites available but if you do some searches for Reporting Services on Windows on Windows you will find the articles that I am referring to.

    Hope this helps and I do understand the $$ constraints.

    Post back if you have issues and I will try to dig through the memories to come up with some help.... 🙂



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • I thought 64 bit cost the same as 32? My understanding was that you purchases a "SQL server license" and can install either one, just not both.

  • Thanks for the response Steve. Can't answer that question. Anyone know?

  • Steve. that is my understanding as well. You purchase whatever edition of SQL you need Standard, Enterprise etc. Microsoft ships you disks in both 32 bit and 64 bit and it is your choice which one to deploy. I would recommend if you have more than 4G of memory you choose the 64 bit version. This also assume you install the 64 bit version of the operating system and of course your hardware supports this as well. AFAIK x64 processors allow a choice between running 32-bit and 64-bit editions but choose 64 bit unless there is a compelling reason not to. See http://www.microsoft.com/servers/64bit/overview.mspx or http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2005/en/us/64-bit.aspx


  • I'd contact MS directly if you need confirmation. They often don't publish specifics, but they'll answer something for your company.

  • Thanks fhanlon and Steve. It's good to know we're not alone.

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