Splitting and aggregating a field with commas

  • You're all wrong!

     >I have a table with a field that contains comma-delimited data.  Here is a sample of two rows and the values for each field<

    cat, dog, mouse

    mouse, dog, fox, hen

    The onlything you really need, is:

    Update myTable

    Set myString = 'zoo'


           myString Like %

    This will do for any upcoming values.

    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • This does the trick:

    --This code is safe to run

    DECLARE @Animals TABLE (ListOfAnimals VARCHAR(100))

    INSERT INTO @Animals

     SELECT 'cat, dog, mouse'        UNION ALL

     SELECT ' mouse,dog, fox , hen ' UNION ALL

     SELECT 'hen'                    UNION ALL

     SELECT ' hen '                  UNION ALL

     SELECT 'fox,hen'                UNION ALL

     SELECT 'mongoose, goldfish,cat' UNION ALL

     SELECT 'dog , cat'              UNION ALL

     SELECT 'pussy    cat, big dog'

    DECLARE @Numbers_0_to_100 TABLE (i TINYINT identity(0,1), j BIT)

    INSERT INTO @Numbers_0_to_100 SELECT TOP 101 NULL FROM master.dbo.syscolumns

    SELECT Animal, count(*) AS [Count]

    FROM (

         SELECT ltrim(rtrim(substring(','+ListOfAnimals, i+1, charindex(',',substring(ListOfAnimals+',', i, 100))-1))) AS Animal

         FROM @Animals INNER JOIN @Numbers_0_to_100 ON substring(','+ListOfAnimals, i, 1) = ','

         ) a

    GROUP BY Animal

    I agree with all the posts about the design, though (of course). Thanks to Vasc for the basic idea.

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • You still forgot to integrate a CLR-based-webservice for the retrieval of seldom animal names like the commagoose known for it's beautiful feathers.

    _/_/_/ paramind _/_/_/

  • Just working on that now...

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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