Splitting A Parameter From Report Services

  • Hi To All

    I have a Paramater From Reporting Services Named Classification in which it is a Multi Valued Paramater. i am trying to pass it to sql server to process and return a value but it doesnt seem to work

    my parameter looks like this

    declare @classification varchar(40)

    after it is passed by the reporting services it will look something like this

    set @classification = ('Active,Terminated')

    i would like to use this in a Select statement named

    select * from Table name where columnname in (@classification)

    but everytime i pass that value(@classification) my query results return nothing. do you have a function to split the

    @classification = ('Active,Terminated') variable


    @classification = ('Active','Terminated')

    i will now use this to create a select statement that would look like this

    select * from table where columnname in ('Active','Terminated')

    any form of assistance is very much appreciated

    Best Regards,


  • Well your options are to parse the string directly to an inner join or to create a udf that returns a table, that you will inner join.


    SET @x = '<i>' + REPLACE(@classification , ',', '</i><i>') + '</i>'

    SELECT *

    FROM MyTable a


    (SELECT x.i.value('.', 'VARCHAR(7)') AS [Classification]

    FROM @x.nodes('//i') x(i)) b

    ON a.Classification = b.Classification

    Like I said, your other option is to drop the xml into a function and inner join your table on the function.

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