Splitting 1 column into 2 based on spaces

  • I have records in a table that I need to split into 2 columns during a conversion.  I need to strip off the code at the end of the sample lines below to populate a new column and the remaining data will go to another column.  The problem is the code at the end is not in the same place or the same length for each record, although always at the end, and the number of spaces between the name and code can vary and the length of the name itself can vary.  The field type is varchar(120) before the conversion.

    Basically, I have a code at the end which the majority can be picked up by left(field,6) but no good way to cut the code off the end to populate the other column.

    Anyone have suggestions on how to split the record?

    COMPUTER CORP                                    45474

    SQL IMAGING, INC     90159S


  • Try running this code and you'll get the idea:

    declare @a varchar(120), @b-2 varchar(120)

    set @a = 'COMPUTER CORP                                    45474'

    set @b-2 = 'SQL IMAGING, INC     90159S'

    select reverse(left(reverse(@a), charindex(' ', reverse(@a))-1))

    select rtrim(left(@a, len(@a) - len(reverse(left(reverse(@a), charindex(' ', reverse(@a))-1)))))

    select reverse(left(reverse(@b), charindex(' ', reverse(@b))-1))

    select rtrim(left(@b, len(@b) - len(reverse(left(reverse(@b), charindex(' ', reverse(@b))-1)))))


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • OR

    declare @a varchar(120), @b-2 varchar(120)

    set @a = 'COMPUTER CORP                                    45474'

    set @b-2 = 'SQL IMAGING, INC     90159S'

    select left(@a, charindex('  ', @a)-2),  right(@a,  charindex('  ', reverse(@a))-2) -- two spaces

    select left(@b, charindex('  ', @b-2)-2),  right(@b,  charindex('  ', reverse(@b))-2) -- two spaces


    * Noel

  • or if u use ADO.NET to connect to yr server and do some data processing, u can use this class to split strings according to Regular Expression pattern:






    class SplitTest


    public static void Main()


    // Split on multiple spaces ; match prefix but exclude it (?<=)

    Regex r =

    new Regex( @"(?<=\w)(\s){2,}" );

    string[] mystring = r.Split("COMPUTER CORP                 45474");

    foreach (string s in mystring)


    if (s.Length > 0 )



    Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter to Exit");


    /* returns two strings:





    //end of Main


    //end of class

  • Woo, Can't wait til I can use regX in a function in SQL 2k5

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