split Name

  • I am using the following query to split a name column into FirtsName and LastName and insert into 2 different columns.

    Update yourTable

    Set FirstName=Substring(replace(NameCol,'.',','),1,charindex(', ',replace(NameCol,'.',','),,1)-1),

    SecondName=Substring(replace(NameCol,'.',','),,charindex(', ',replace(NameCol,'.',','),,1)+2,len(NameCol))

    but geting the following error

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Line 3: Incorrect syntax near ','.

  • too many commas...

    declare @table table


    NameCol varchar(500)


    insert @table

    select 'Bugs, Bunny'


    select 'Elmer, Fudd'


    select 'Daffy, Duck'

    declare @result table


    first_name varchar(100),

    last_name varchar(100)


    insert @result

    Select FirstName=Substring(replace(NameCol,'.',','),1,charindex(', ',replace(NameCol,'.',','),1)-1),

    SecondName=Substring(replace(NameCol,'.',','),charindex(', ',replace(NameCol,'.',','),1)+2,len(NameCol))

    from @table

    select * from @result


    Mathew J Kulangara

  • I need to update the existing table

  • easy enough......

    Update yourTable

    Select FirstName=Substring(replace(NameCol,'.',','),1,charindex(', ',replace(NameCol,'.',','),1)-1),

    SecondName=Substring(replace(NameCol,'.',','),charindex(', ',replace(NameCol,'.',','),1)+2,len(NameCol))

    Mathew J Kulangara

  • Ok I got it worked but how can i delete last char in my FirstName column, coz I have ',' there which i dont need it.

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