split long char field for Label making software

  • I have a long char field (101) and i need to print it on a 4 inch long inventory label. The labeling software, ZebraDesignerPro 2, doesn't word wrap. Does anyone know how i can create a view that would take the table and split it at a specific char length plus a space?? i.e. after 30 characters split at next space.

    there are 13000 item descriptions in the table so i can't define where to split each row individually.

    any thoughts or ideas?


  • I ran into a similar issue on a QL220 Zebra Printer. Can you provide an example of what you want done?

  • You could use substring to chop the char(101) into 4 char(30) fields in a view.

    Code below to create a view named 'SplitInto30Char', splits 'test_field' which is in a table into 4 chunks.

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[SplitInto30Char]



    SUBSTRING(test_field, 0, 30) AS section1,

    SUBSTRING(test_field, 30, 30) AS section2,

    SUBSTRING(test_field, 60, 30) AS section3,

    SUBSTRING(test_field, 90, 30) AS section4

    FROM dbo.testLong

    EDIT: This splits in the middle of words though...hmmm..

  • jpomfret7 (8/12/2011)

    You could use substring to chop the char(101) into 4 char(30) fields in a view.

    Code below to create a view named 'SplitInto30Char', splits 'test_field' which is in a table into 4 chunks.

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[SplitInto30Char]



    SUBSTRING(test_field, 0, 30) AS section1,

    SUBSTRING(test_field, 30, 30) AS section2,

    SUBSTRING(test_field, 60, 30) AS section3,

    SUBSTRING(test_field, 90, 30) AS section4

    FROM dbo.testLong

    EDIT: This splits in the middle of words though...hmmm..

    yes which is what i'm trying to avoid. the other option i have seen is splitting at the spaces but since the fields would vary greatly in size they would be hard to actually put on the label.

  • This isn't quite 100% but it is very close...just a little tweaking on the substring math and you should be there.

    create table #Test


    Label varchar(101)


    insert #Test

    select 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labores'

    insert #Test

    select 'this string is exactly 101 character, the longest one you can have according to the data initial size'

    insert #Test

    select 'thisstringisshortandnospaces'

    select Label, LEFT(Label, 30 + CHARINDEX(' ', SUBSTRING(Label, 30, DATALENGTH(Label))) - 2) as Segment1,

    SUBSTRING(Label, 29 + CHARINDEX(' ', SUBSTRING(Label, 29, DATALENGTH(Label))), 29 + CHARINDEX(' ', SUBSTRING(Label, 29, DATALENGTH(Label)))) as Segment2,

    SUBSTRING(Label, 29 + CHARINDEX(' ', SUBSTRING(Label, 29, DATALENGTH(Label))) + 29 + CHARINDEX(' ', SUBSTRING(Label, 29, DATALENGTH(Label))) , datalength(Label)) as Segment3

    from #Test

    drop table #Test


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • Neal Sivley (8/12/2011)

    I ran into a similar issue on a QL220 Zebra Printer. Can you provide an example of what you want done?

    an example of what im looking for would be this:

    ITEMDESC field is 5-1/4" HRPI Anti-Friction Washer Mueller Centurion

    the new table be:

    itemdesc1: 5-1/4" HRPI Anti-Friction

    itemdesc2: Washer Mueller Centurion

    which splits the first space after 25 characters.

  • Have you tried to insert a char(10) + char(13) in the middle of the string. The printer should detect the line break.

  • (And the code that splits the string into individual words I have posted is code written by Jeff Moden) that was edited by myself to use your sample data. Putting it back together into a sentence is my pitiful code.



    @Size TINYINT


    what if you need to split the long string into a human-readable substrings?

    Where every substring length is not longer than a fixed number and split at space characters?


    SELECT @String = 'ITEMDESC field is 5-1/4" HRPI Anti-Friction Washer Mueller Centurion'

    ,@Size = 20

    ;WITH Peso (Part, StartPos, Size)

    AS (

    SELECT 1,


    CAST(@Size - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(LEFT(SUBSTRING(@String, 1, @Size) + ' ',

    @Size))) AS INT)


    SELECT Part + 1,

    StartPos + Size + 1,

    CAST(@Size - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(LEFT(SUBSTRING(@String, StartPos + Size + 1, @Size) + ' ', @Size))) AS INT)

    FROM Peso

    WHERE StartPos + Size <= DATALENGTH(@String)


    SELECT Part,StartPos,Size

    INTO #T FROM Peso

    --Putting it back together as a sentence

    DECLARE @sp-2 INT

    DECLARE @s-2 INT


    SET @Part = 1

    WHILE @Part < (SELECT MAX(Part)+1 FROM #T)


    SELECT @sp-2 = (SELECT StartPos FROM #T WHERE Part = @Part)

    SELECT @s-2 = (SELECT Size FROM #T WHERE Part = @Part )

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@String,@Sp,@S)

    SET @Part = @Part + 1



    Result: (20 characters per row ,@Size = 20)

    ITEMDESC field is

    5-1/4" HRPI


    Washer Mueller


    (25 Characters per row ,@Size = 25)

    ITEMDESC field is 5-1/4"

    HRPI Anti-Friction

    Washer Mueller Centurion

    This is not going to be quick, in fact most likely too slow for any significant number of rows.

    Just hope this little bit helps to get you where you need to be.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • thanks for all the help. I'm going to test this out today and see what i can come up with. i'll let you know if i run into any problems.

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