Speed Up Query by replacing Subselects

  • I am trying to speed up the below code, which includes numerous subselect statements. Any thoughts on how I could alter the statements for the code to run faster. The queries will be running in Oracle environment.


    Select prod_month, lockbox, company, workgrp, checks, Unprocs, NoChk, frontim, checktotal, keystrokes,

    (checks+unprocs+NoChk) as TotalCKNCUP,

    case when checktotal > 0 and checks > 0

    then round(checktotal / checks,2)

    else 0 end as AvgDollarCheck,


    nvl((Select sum(error_count) from errors_kpi_isd err

    where err.lockboxnumber = oq.lockbox

    and err.product = oq.donorsite

    and substr(err.errortype,1,3) not in ('DKY','FYI','IMG')

    and err.inquirydate between oq.prod_month and add_months(oq.prod_month,1)-1),0) as NonDKYerrorsforMonth,

    nvl((Select sum(error_count) from errors_kpi_isd err

    where err.lockboxnumber = oq.lockbox

    and err.product = oq.donorsite

    and substr(err.errortype,1,3) in ('DKY')

    and err.inquirydate between oq.prod_month and add_months(oq.prod_month,1)-1),0) as DKYerrorsforMonth,

    (Select checks from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    Where iq.prod_month = add_months(oq.prod_month,-1)

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid) as ckslastmo,

    case when (Select checks from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    Where iq.prod_month = add_months(oq.prod_month,-1)

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid) > 0

    and oq.checks > 0

    then round(((Select checks from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    Where iq.prod_month = add_months(oq.prod_month,-1)

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid)-oq.checks)/(Select checks from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    Where iq.prod_month = add_months(oq.prod_month,-1)

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid),4)*-1

    else 0 end as ckchangefromlastmo,

    (Select sum(checks) from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    where iq.prod_month between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and oq.prod_month

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid) as YTD_Checks,

    case when (Select sum(checks) from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    where iq.prod_month between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and oq.prod_month

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid) > 0

    then round((Select sum(checks) from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    where iq.prod_month between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and oq.prod_month

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid) / to_number(to_char(prod_month,'MM'),'99'),0)

    else 0 end as YTDMonthlyAvgChecks,

    nvl((Select sum(error_count) from errors_kpi_isd err

    where err.lockboxnumber = oq.lockbox

    and err.product = oq.donorsite

    and substr(err.errortype,1,3) not in ('DKY','FYI','IMG')

    and err.inquirydate between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and add_months(oq.prod_month,1)-1),0) as YTDNonDKYErrorCount,

    nvl((Select sum(error_count) from errors_kpi_isd err

    where err.lockboxnumber = oq.lockbox

    and err.product = oq.donorsite

    and substr(err.errortype,1,3) in ('DKY')

    and err.inquirydate between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and add_months(oq.prod_month,1)-1),0) as YTDDKYErrorCount,

    case when (Select sum(checks) from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    where iq.prod_month between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and oq.prod_month

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid) > 0

    and (Select sum(error_count) from errors_kpi_isd err

    where err.lockboxnumber = oq.lockbox

    and err.product = oq.donorsite

    and substr(err.errortype,1,3) not in ('DKY','FYI','IMG')

    and err.inquirydate between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and add_months(oq.prod_month,1)-1) > 0

    then round((Select sum(checks) from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    where iq.prod_month between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and oq.prod_month

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid) /

    (Select sum(error_count) from errors_kpi_isd err

    where err.lockboxnumber = oq.lockbox

    and err.product = oq.donorsite

    and substr(err.errortype,1,3) not in ('DKY','FYI','IMG')

    and err.inquirydate between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and add_months(oq.prod_month,1)-1),0)

    else (Select sum(checks) from r1_monthly_volumes iq

    where iq.prod_month between add_months(prod_month,-to_number(to_char(Prod_month,'MM'),'99')+1)

    and oq.prod_month

    and iq.lockbox = oq.lockbox

    and iq.siteid = oq.siteid) end as ytdcheckspererror

    from r1_monthly_volumes oq

    where DONORSITE = :p161_SITENAME

    and Prod_month = to_date(to_date(:P161_monthyear,'MON-YY'),'DD-MON-YY')

  • I would like to help you (as well as others in this site), however, due to the differences between Oracle and SQL Server, I'm not sure that I can suggest an improvement that will work for you.

    You'll get more help in an Oracle forum as this one is dedicated to SQL Server.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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