Speed up (not like) query

  • Hi All,

    Is there any tricks to improve this query not like query, like this?

    where deal_no not like 'IMGATD%'

    I tried using

    left (deal_no,6) <> 'IMGATD'

    but the performance was degraded.

    Any helps will be grateful.


  • HI,

    1) By Increase the where condition

    You want increase the speed of response?

    Any how show you statement


  • Pls post the whole query, table structure and some sample data.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Catcha (3/24/2009)

    Hi All,

    Is there any tricks to improve this query not like query, like this?

    where deal_no not like 'IMGATD%'

    I tried using

    left (deal_no,6) <> 'IMGATD'

    but the performance was degraded.

    Any helps will be grateful.


    do not use any functions in where clause like (left, right, min, max, etc..). Use first method.

    FYI: http://www.sql-server-performance.com/tips/t_sql_where_p1.aspx

  • [Code]

    select top 100 u58.deal_type_cde , ucb.*

    from u58_deal_hist u58

    join ucb_exp_hist ucb on u58.deal_id = ucb.deal_id

    where ucb.batch_id = 297326

    and u58.batch_id = 297325

    and ucb.deal_id like 'IMGATD%'


    There are indexes in batch_id for u58_deal_hist and ucb_exp_hist.

  • There are indexes in batch_id for u58_deal_hist and ucb_exp_hist.

    This is a very generic, open-ended question; pretty hard to make any reasonable suggestions with so few details.

    Having said that, here is what I would try as a first step - extend the index on ucb_exp_hist to include deal_id column if it is not already there.

    As an FYI - as a second step, I would try converting the NOT LIKE WHERE clause into a NOT IN with a co-related sub-query.

    NOTE: I am not suggesting that this is the best thing to do - you would still need to follow engineering principles, measure and validate every suggestion on your own.


  • Posting the table structure would help.

    You also ask NOT LIKE at the start, but LIKE in the example query.

    Is there any order by in the query?

    Greg E

  • I have run into a similar problem in the past, if you can get rid of the "not" in the statement, it should speed up considerably. I realize it takes some doing, but changing just that could make a huge difference. The way I went about doing it was to delete the rows after I had inserted them into the table (I was populating a table at the time). Another way, probably better, is to put all the values you do want in an "in" statement. Hope you are having the same problem I had and that this helps.

  • Catcha (3/25/2009)


    select top 100 u58.deal_type_cde , ucb.*

    from u58_deal_hist u58

    join ucb_exp_hist ucb on u58.deal_id = ucb.deal_id

    where ucb.batch_id = 297326

    and u58.batch_id = 297325

    and ucb.deal_id like 'IMGATD%'


    There are indexes in batch_id for u58_deal_hist and ucb_exp_hist.

    I'm also curious as to the offset here of 1

    where ucb.batch_id = 297326

    and u58.batch_id = 297325

    I would try reversing the order of the tables, especially if the ubc table is smaller.

    Are there any indexes on the tables?

    And EXISTS / NOT EXISTS types of queries can be very good to try.


    Greg E

  • I doubt whether reversing the tables could help a lot here.. anyway its worth a try. Mostly SQL will come up with a good execution plan irrespective of the order of tables.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Catcha (3/25/2009)


    select top 100 u58.deal_type_cde , ucb.*

    from u58_deal_hist u58

    join ucb_exp_hist ucb on u58.deal_id = ucb.deal_id

    where ucb.batch_id = 297326

    and u58.batch_id = 297325

    and ucb.deal_id like 'IMGATD%'


    There are indexes in batch_id for u58_deal_hist and ucb_exp_hist.

    Few remarks – First of all you are using top 100 without specifying which records you want to see. If later you’ll need to show the next 100 records, there won’t be a way to achive that. Consider adding order by clause so you’ll have control on what records will be sent to the client.

    Without knowing the query plan, the table’s structure (including indexes), number of records in each table and selectivity of the columns batch_id and deal_id (on both tables) no one will be able to give you a solid advice on how to improve the performance. We could all just give you an educated (?) guess about indexes that could be used and might improve performance.


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