Spaceused on 6.5 version

  • Hi all!

    I´m working with this old version on a (also old) production box. When i try to get the info about the space used by the prod db using sp_spaceused, i receive this


    proddb               3013.00 MB          -1079.49 MB


    4190706 KB     3744268 KB     443260 KB        3178 KB

    Even using the command sp_spaceused @updateusage = 'true' or dbcc updateusage (proddb) the info keeps innacurate...

    Any ideas?


    PD: dont try to use the 'preview mode', it erases all the post

  • upa!

  • nobody?

  • I'm not sure this will help, but you might try

    DBCC CHECKTABLE(syslogs)

    This is supposed to update the space used by the transaction log.

    I remember being faced with the situation you are dealing with, but I don't remember the solution, if there was one.


  • I spoke with my associate and she remembers the issue as well.

    She recommends running all of the following:


    DBCC CHECKDB(dbname)


    I would add the DBCC CHECKTABLE(syslogs) as well, for good measure.

    hope this helps


  • thanks a lot, Steve. I will try it

  • Wrote this long time ago, could probably do better job now but we still use it (still managing over 100 6.5 servers).  Has a hard-coded hackish calculation of log-space used for our primary DB, worked better than anything else we could find--probably need to modify this for your use, search for word 'Transcription'.


    if object_id('sp_spaceused2') is not null


            drop proc sp_spaceused2

            print 'dropped proc sp_spaceused2'



    create proc sp_spaceused2

            @object_pattern varchar(30) = null,

            @sort_by        varchar(30) = 'Table'   --or 'total', 'rows', 'data', 'index', 'unused'




    Procedure : sp_spaceused2

    Purpose   : enhanced version of sp_spaceused2

    Returns   : nothing

    Notes     : Added hard-coded hack for EDIX Transcription DB log space calculation.  Since we

                don't updateusage on syslogs very often, all normal attempts to report log space

                usage are wildly inaccurate.  The formula used here was determined experimentally,

                by incrementally filling up the log and running dbcc updateusage(db, syslogs) and

                calculating the ration between #rows in syslogs and the size of the log.  This is

                only an approximation, but it's the best I can find for now.

                UNITS:  Results of early versions of this proc differed from those reported by

                MS GUI tools.  Determined that was due to fact that MS tools report usage as follows:

                at the lowest level, usage is reported in KBytes, where a "K" is 1024 bytes.  Next

                comes MBytes, where "M" is 1024*1024 (1,048,576) bytes.  Beyond that, though, the

                multiplier used by Microsoft is not 1024, but 1000.  Thus, when MS reports GB  it

                is really reporting (1,024,000) bytes.  To eliminate conflict w/MS tools, I've

                adopted the MS units here.  NOTE:

                Checking the syslogs table locks up, even using (nolock), when a log dump is

                going on, so we check for that condition.

    Created   : 04/30/99 - MSG



    set nocount on

    declare @free           float,          @logfree        float,          --units are 2k pages, until formatted

            @dbsize         float,          @logdbsize      float,

            @allocated      float,          @logallocated   float,

            @percentfree    float,          @logpercentfree float

    select  @logdbsize = NULL

    --if @object_pattern is 'syslogs' and there's no separate log device, then treat this as a full DB space request

    if (@object_pattern = 'syslogs') and not exists (select size from master..sysusages(nolock) where dbid = db_id() and segmap = 4)

            select  @object_pattern = null

    --handle case where we're reporting on space used by the entire DB

    if (@object_pattern is null)


            --calculate summary data for the entire DB's data segment

            select  @dbsize = sum(size)

              from  master..sysusages(nolock)

             where  dbid    = db_id()

               and  segmap <> 4

            select  @allocated = sum(reserved)

              from  sysindexes(nolock)

             where  indid   in (0, 1, 255)

               and  segment <> 2

            select @free            = @dbsize - @allocated

            select @percentfree     = case @dbsize

                                        when 0 then 0

                                        else (@free * 100) / @dbsize


            --calculate summary data for entire DB's log segment (if there is one)

            if exists (select size from master..sysusages(nolock) where dbid = db_id() and segmap = 4)


                    select  @logdbsize = sum(size)

                      from  master..sysusages(nolock)

                     where  dbid   = db_id()

                       and  segmap = 4

                    --trouble conflicting w/log dump, so we avoid it

                    if exists(select * from master..sysprocesses(nolock) where cmd = 'DUMP TRANSACTION' and dbid = db_id())

                            select  @logallocated = -1

                    --this code is supposed to work, but fails miserably for EDIX's Transcription DB

                    else if (db_name() <> 'Transcription')

                            select  @logallocated = sum(reserved)

                              from  sysindexes(nolock)

                             where  indid   in (0, 1, 255)

                               and  segment = 2

                    --so for Transcription, we use empirically-derived hack


                            select  @logallocated = 0.128 * count(*)

                              from  syslogs(nolock)

                    select @logfree         = @logdbsize - @logallocated

                    select @logpercentfree  = case @logdbsize

                                                when 0 then 0

                                                else (@logfree * 100) / @logdbsize



            --display results

            select  "Database"      = substring(db_name(), 1, 15),

                    "Category"      = case

                                        when (@logdbsize is NULL) then 'Data+Log'

                                        else                           'Data'


                    "Size"          = case

                                        when (@dbsize    >=                 512000000) then str(@dbsize    / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                        when (@dbsize    between 512000 and 519999999) then str(@dbsize    / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                        when (@dbsize    between 512    and 519999)    then str(@dbsize    / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                        when (@dbsize    <                  512)       then str(@dbsize    * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                    "Used"          = case

                                        when (@allocated >=                 512000000) then str(@allocated / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                        when (@allocated between 512000 and 519999999) then str(@allocated / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                        when (@allocated between 512    and 519999)    then str(@allocated / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                        when (@allocated <                  512)       then str(@allocated * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                    "Free"          = case

                                        when (@free      >=                 512000000) then str(@free      / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                        when (@free      between 512000 and 519999999) then str(@free      / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                        when (@free      between 512    and 519999)    then str(@free      / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                        when (@free      <                  512)       then str(@free      * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                    "Free%"         = str(@percentfree, 3) + '%'

            union all

            select  "Database"      = substring(db_name(), 1, 15),

                    "Category"      = 'Log',

                    "Size"          = case

                                        when (@logdbsize    >=                 512000000) then str(@logdbsize    / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                        when (@logdbsize    between 512000 and 519999999) then str(@logdbsize    / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                        when (@logdbsize    between 512    and 519999)    then str(@logdbsize    / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                        when (@logdbsize    <                  512)       then str(@logdbsize    * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                    "Used"          = case

                                        when (@logallocated  =                 -1)         then '*DUMPING*'

                                        when (@logallocated >=                 512000000) then str(@logallocated / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                        when (@logallocated between 512000 and 519999999) then str(@logallocated / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                        when (@logallocated between 512    and 519999)    then str(@logallocated / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                        when (@logallocated <                  512)       then str(@logallocated * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                    "Free"          = case

                                        when (@logfree      >=                 512000000) then str(@logfree      / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                        when (@logfree      between 512000 and 519999999) then str(@logfree      / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                        when (@logfree      between 512    and 519999)    then str(@logfree      / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                        when (@logfree      <                  512)       then str(@logfree      * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                    "Free%"         = case

                                        when (@logallocated  =                 -1)        then '****'

                                        else                                                   str(@logpercentfree, 3) + '%'


             where  (@logdbsize is not null)    --if no log segment, this portion of union left empty


    --only reporting on a single object (not Transcription..syslogs)

    else if ((@object_pattern <> 'syslogs') or (db_name() <> 'Transcription'))


            select  "Table"         = convert(char(45), user_name(uid) + '.' +,

                    "Total"          = case

                                        when ((si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0))                         >=                 512000000)

                                            then str((si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0))                         / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                        when ((si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0))                         between 512000 and 519999999)

                                            then str((si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0))                         / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                        when ((si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0))                         between 512    and 519999)

                                            then str((si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0))                         / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                        when ((si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0))                         <                  512)

                                            then str((si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0))                         * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                    "Rows"          = substring(str(si.rows, 10), 1, 4) + case when si.rows > 999999 then ',' else '' end +

                                      substring(str(si.rows, 10), 5, 3) + case when si.rows > 999    then ',' else '' end +

                                      substring(str(si.rows, 10), 8, 3),

                    "Data"          = case

                                        when ((si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0))                               >=                 512000000)

                                            then str((si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0))                               / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                        when ((si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0))                               between 512000 and 519999999)

                                            then str((si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0))                               / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                        when ((si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0))                               between 512    and 519999)

                                            then str((si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0))                               / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                        when ((si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0))                               <                  512)

                                            then str((si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0))                               * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                    "Index"         = case

                                        when ((si.used - si.dpages)                                               >=                512000000)

                                            then str((si.used - si.dpages)                                              / 512000000.0, 3, 0) + ' TB'

                                        when ((si.used - si.dpages)                                              between 512000 and 519999999)

                                            then str((si.used - si.dpages)                                              / 512000.0,    3, 0) + ' GB'

                                        when ((si.used - si.dpages)                                              between 512    and 519999)

                                            then str((si.used - si.dpages)                                              / 512.0,       3, 0) + ' MB'

                                        when ((si.used - si.dpages)                                              <                  512)

                                            then str((si.used - si.dpages)                                              * 2.0,         3, 0) + ' KB'


                    "Unused"        = case

                                        when ((si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0)) >=                 512000000)

                                            then str((si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0)) / 512000000.0, 3, 0) + ' TB'

                                        when ((si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0)) between 512000 and 519999999)

                                            then str((si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0)) / 512000.0,    3, 0) + ' GB'

                                        when ((si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0)) between 512    and 519999)

                                            then str((si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0)) / 512.0,       3, 0) + ' MB'

                                        when ((si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0)) <                  512)

                                            then str((si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0)) * 2.0,         3, 0) + ' KB'


              from  sysobjects so(nolock)

              join  sysindexes si(nolock)

                on    =

               and  si.indid < 2

         left join  sysindexes sitext(nolock)

                on    =

               and  sitext.indid = 255

             where like @object_pattern

               and  so.type = 'U'

             order  by case when @sort_by = "Total"  then si.reserved + isnull(sitext.reserved, 0)                         else 0 end desc,

                       case when @sort_by = "Rows"   then si.rows                                                          else 0 end desc,

                       case when @sort_by = "Data"   then si.dpages + isnull(sitext.used, 0)                               else 0 end desc,

                       case when @sort_by = "Index"  then si.used - si.dpages                                              else 0 end desc,

                       case when @sort_by = "Unused" then si.reserved - si.used + isnull(sitext.reserved - sitext.used, 0) else 0 end desc,


            if (@@rowcount = 0)

                    raiserror('No tables were found that match @object_pattern = "%s"!', 0, 1, @object_pattern)


    --only reporting on Transcription..syslogs, which we have to hack



            if exists(select * from master..sysprocesses(nolock) where cmd = 'DUMP TRANSACTION' and dbid = db_id())

                    select  "Table"         = 'syslogs',

                            "Total"         = '*DUMPING*',

                            "Rows"          = '*DUMPING*',

                            "Data"          = '*DUMPING*',

                            "Index"         = str(0, 3, 0) + ' KB',

                            "Unused"        = str(0, 3, 0) + ' KB'


                    select  "Table"         = 'syslogs',

                            "Total"         = case

                                                when ((0.128 * count(*)) >=                 512000000)

                                                    then str((0.128 * count(*)) / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                                when ((0.128 * count(*)) between 512000 and 519999999)

                                                    then str((0.128 * count(*)) / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                                when ((0.128 * count(*)) between 512    and 519999)

                                                    then str((0.128 * count(*)) / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                                        when ((0.128 * count(*)) <                  512)

                                                    then str((0.128 * count(*)) * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                            "Rows"          = substring(str(count(*), 10), 1, 4) + case when count(*)                > 999999 then ',' else '' end +

                                              substring(str(count(*), 10), 5, 3) + case when count(*) between 1000 and 999999 then ',' else '' end +

                                              substring(str(count(*), 10), 8, 3),

                            "Data"          = case

                                                when ((0.128 * count(*)) >=                 512000000)

                                                    then str((0.128 * count(*)) / 512000000.0, 5, 1) + ' TB'

                                                when ((0.128 * count(*)) between 512000 and 519999999)

                                                    then str((0.128 * count(*)) / 512000.0,    5, 1) + ' GB'

                                                when ((0.128 * count(*)) between 512    and 519999)

                                                    then str((0.128 * count(*)) / 512.0,       5, 1) + ' MB'

                                                when ((0.128 * count(*)) <                  512)

                                                    then str((0.128 * count(*)) * 2.0,         5, 1) + ' KB'


                            "Index"         = str(0, 3, 0) + ' KB',

                            "Unused"        = str(0, 3, 0) + ' KB'

                      from  syslogs(nolock)



    if object_id('sp_spaceused2') is not null


            print 'created proc sp_spaceused2'

            grant execute on sp_spaceused2 to public



            print 'FAILED to create proc sp_spaceused2'


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