Space problem in SQL Server

  • Consider a scenario,  I am a DBA for the Database server where the size of the hard disk is 100 GB. On that database server, i have the Database whose size is 40 GB. Also, i restrict the size of the database file to 95 GB, by specifying the "maximum file size" to "Restrict file growth" option , under the "file properties".

    I then copied a DAT ( or some other file ) on the same database server that is having the size of  45 GB.

    Now when the Database file size increases, it will give an error not because of setting the "Restrict file growth" option to 95 but there is no space on the Hard Disk.

    My question to you DBAs is that, how will i know that hard disk is becoming full ? I want to get noticed when the Server's Hard Disk size is at some specified threshold value.

    Pls help in this regard.


  • You've set it right and it's not the max allowed that is the problem. You probably have the database set to autogrow. What is it set to grow by? With a 40 GB database and a 45 GB other file, that's 85 GB used and only 15 GB free (actually 10 GB free since you stop growth at 95 GB). Let's say you have the database set to grow by 50% - that's 20 GB, which you don't have so the growth fails. Same thing if you have the percentage set to high.


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