sp_oaexecute to error log

  • I'm trying to execute a dts from a sproc but it's failing on execute. oPKG is valid and my global input variable has the value I want. It fails on execution in query analyzer with

    source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    description: Package failed because Step 'DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1' failed.

    I have the error handling for the package set to go to a file on my c drive, but the file never gets created if I run it through the stored procedure.

    If I hardcode the global variable in the Package and run it from Enterprise Manager, it works fine. The global variable is a filename and path (\\server\share\folder\file).

    Is there a way to have errors logged when using the sp_oa implementation? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    @inputfile nvarchar(1000)


    declare @hr int

    declare @oPKG int

    declare @cmd varchar(1000)

    declare @server varchar(100)

    declare @pkgpwd varchar(1)

    declare @pkgname varchar(100)

    set @server = 'MyServer'

    set @PkgPwd = ''

    set @PkgName = 'MyPackage'

    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @oPKG OUTPUT

    IF @hr <> 0


    PRINT '*** Create Package object failed'

    EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @oPKG, @hr

    RETURN 1


    SET @Cmd = 'LoadFromSQLServer("' + @server +'", "", "", 256, "' + @PkgPWD + '", , , "' + @PkgName + '")'

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @oPKG, @Cmd, NULL

    IF @hr <> 0


    PRINT '*** LoadFromSQLServer Failed.'

    EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @oPKG, @hr

    RETURN 1


    EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @oPKG,'GlobalVariables.item("inputfile").value', @inputfile

    IF @hr <> 0


    PRINT '*** Set Property Failed'

    EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @oPKG, @hr

    RETURN 1


    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @oPKG, 'Execute'

    if @hr<>0


    PRINT '*** Execution Failed'

    --EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @oPKG, @hr

    declare @source varchar(1000)

    declare @desc varchar(1000)

    exec sp_oageterrorinfo @oPKG,@source out, @desc out

    print @opkg

    print 'source: '+@source

    print 'description: '+@desc

    --RETURN 1


    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @oPKG, 'UnInitialize'


    PRINT '*** Uninitialize Failed'

    EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @oPKG, @hr

    RETURN 1


    EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @oPKG

  • I stongly discourage this kind of constructs.

    sp_oa stuff is known to frequently suffer memory leaks, ... which may cause your sql instance to be unstable and crash or reboot.


    Create a sqlagent job for your dts package execution and set up an alert to start that job.

    Have a look at: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/scripts/Miscellaneous/31032/

    This way you'll have all controle over if the job /alert is active, you can shut it down during maintenance, ...


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  • ALZDBA, thanks for looking at this.

    I'm new to DTS and Stored Procedures. And I was having a hard time finding a best practices with details on implementation.

    I only want to fire the DTS when a user imports a file, which means I have to pass a variable.

    Can you give me an example on what I should put in the Job Step T-sql? Also how do I fire the Job from Visual Basic?


  • I would just feed the varriables value in a "variables" table and have the job or dts pick it up from there.


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