sp_MSforeachdb error


    Exec sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?

    DECLARE @objectid int;

    DECLARE @indexid int;

    DECLARE @partitioncount bigint;

    DECLARE @schemaname nvarchar(130);

    DECLARE @objectname nvarchar(130);

    DECLARE @indexname nvarchar(130);

    DECLARE @partitionnum bigint;

    DECLARE @partitions bigint;

    DECLARE @frag float;

    DECLARE @command nvarchar(4000);

    DECLARE @dbid smallint;

    SET @dbid = DB_ID();


    [object_id] AS objectid,

    index_id AS indexid,

    partition_number AS partitionnum,

    avg_fragmentation_in_percent AS frag, page_count

    INTO #work_to_do

    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (@dbid, NULL, NULL , NULL, N''LIMITED'')

    WHERE avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 10.0

    AND index_id > 0

    AND page_count > 25

    AND @dbid NOT IN (1,2,3,4)

    DECLARE partitions CURSOR FOR SELECT objectid,indexid, partitionnum,frag FROM #work_to_do;

    OPEN partitions;

    WHILE (1=1)



    FROM partitions

    INTO @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnum, @frag;


    SELECT @objectname = QUOTENAME(o.name), @schemaname = QUOTENAME(s.name)

    FROM sys.objects AS o

    JOIN sys.schemas as s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id

    WHERE o.object_id = @objectid;

    SELECT @indexname = QUOTENAME(name)

    FROM sys.indexes

    WHERE object_id = @objectid AND index_id = @indexid;

    SELECT @partitioncount = count (*)

    FROM sys.partitions

    WHERE object_id = @objectid AND index_id = @indexid;

    IF @frag < 30.0

    SET @command = N''ALTER INDEX '' + @indexname + N'' ON ''+ @schemaname + N''.'' + @objectname + N''REORGANIZE'';

    IF @frag >= 30.0

    SET @command = N''ALTER INDEX '' + @indexname + N'' ON ''+ @schemaname + N''.'' + @objectname + N'' REBUILD'';

    IF @partitioncount > 1

    SET @command = @command + N'' PARTITION=''+ CAST(@partitionnum AS nvarchar(10));

    EXEC (@command);

    PRINT N''Executed: '' + @command;


    CLOSE partitions;

    DEALLOCATE partitions;


    Msg 1934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    ALTER INDEX failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with spatial index operations.

  • I'm making a guess about a conflict between "quotename()" function and quoted_name setting. maybe on a test database, flip your quoted name setting (I'm guessing "SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF") and try again?

    Obviously I could be full of it, so test away!

  • tt-615680 (12/16/2015)


    Exec sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?

    DECLARE @objectid int;

    DECLARE @indexid int;

    DECLARE @partitioncount bigint;

    DECLARE @schemaname nvarchar(130);

    DECLARE @objectname nvarchar(130);

    DECLARE @indexname nvarchar(130);

    DECLARE @partitionnum bigint;

    DECLARE @partitions bigint;

    DECLARE @frag float;

    DECLARE @command nvarchar(4000);

    DECLARE @dbid smallint;

    SET @dbid = DB_ID();


    [object_id] AS objectid,

    index_id AS indexid,

    partition_number AS partitionnum,

    avg_fragmentation_in_percent AS frag, page_count

    INTO #work_to_do

    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (@dbid, NULL, NULL , NULL, N''LIMITED'')

    WHERE avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 10.0

    AND index_id > 0

    AND page_count > 25

    AND @dbid NOT IN (1,2,3,4)

    DECLARE partitions CURSOR FOR SELECT objectid,indexid, partitionnum,frag FROM #work_to_do;

    OPEN partitions;

    WHILE (1=1)



    FROM partitions

    INTO @objectid, @indexid, @partitionnum, @frag;


    SELECT @objectname = QUOTENAME(o.name), @schemaname = QUOTENAME(s.name)

    FROM sys.objects AS o

    JOIN sys.schemas as s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id

    WHERE o.object_id = @objectid;

    SELECT @indexname = QUOTENAME(name)

    FROM sys.indexes

    WHERE object_id = @objectid AND index_id = @indexid;

    SELECT @partitioncount = count (*)

    FROM sys.partitions

    WHERE object_id = @objectid AND index_id = @indexid;

    IF @frag < 30.0

    SET @command = N''ALTER INDEX '' + @indexname + N'' ON ''+ @schemaname + N''.'' + @objectname + N''REORGANIZE'';

    IF @frag >= 30.0

    SET @command = N''ALTER INDEX '' + @indexname + N'' ON ''+ @schemaname + N''.'' + @objectname + N'' REBUILD'';

    IF @partitioncount > 1

    SET @command = @command + N'' PARTITION=''+ CAST(@partitionnum AS nvarchar(10));

    EXEC (@command);

    PRINT N''Executed: '' + @command;


    CLOSE partitions;

    DEALLOCATE partitions;


    Msg 1934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    ALTER INDEX failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with spatial index operations.

    It's worth noting that sp_msforeachdb is undocumented which is why it shouldn't be used in production. You can accomplish what you are doing using plain ol' dynamic SQL.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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